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Multiple Material Selection in Order / , Dispatch and Invoices 

In sales orders, dispatches and in invoices, you can transfer more than one material to slips at one go. To do this, the materials to be transferred to slip are marked in materials browser and by "select" option all the marked materials are transferred to slips as a separate line.


  • User Defined Purchase Price
  • User Defined Sales Price
  • Average Price
  • Last Purchase
  • Last Sales Price
  • Average of on hand
  • Average of Inputs
  • Periodical Average
  • LIFO Cost
  • FIFO Cost
  • Physical Cost
  • Predefined Unit Prices
  • Last Purchase/Sales Proposal Price

Unit price options include options for calculating methods according to the cost methods depending on the selection made on the "Limit Stock Cost Method" parameter. If "Yes" is selected in the "Limit Stock Cost Method Usage" parameter in Material Management Parameters, only the cost method used by the company is included in unit price options. If No is selected, all cost methods will be listed as unit price options.

Note: In System Administration program section when "Select Unit Price From List Only" option, which is located under General Definitions of Rights For Program Functions, is checked for a user apart from administrator, related user cannot define a price manually in unit price fields of slips and invoices except for Defined Unit Prices.

User Defined Sales price or Last Sales Prices option can be selected in the Service lines.

Unit Price in F. Currency : The unit price in foreign currency of the material or service. The unit price in the selected currency is recorded in the Currency type field.F. Currency Type: This field is used to specify the currency if the transactions in the slip or invoice line are recorded and billed using a different currency than the local currency. The currency type to be applied to the lines is specified in the Currency Type field.

Unit Price in F. Currency: The unit price in foreign currency of the material or service. The unit price in the selected currency is recorded in the Currency type field.

Discount %: Indicates the discount percentage to be applied to the material in line.

VAT (%): VAT rate defined in the material or service. VAT rate specified in the record is automatically displayed in this field.
