Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

In j-Guar application, it is possible to match the existing receipts with e-invoices. You can view dispatches/receipts matched with e-Invoices with e-Invoice Dispatch/Receipt Matching Results option.
In order to match dispatches/receipts with e-invoices;

  • "e-Invoice Dispatch/Receipt Matching" must be set to "Yes" in System Settings > Defaults and Parameters > Purchasing Management > Parameter > e-Invoice heading.
  • Since matching will be performed over "Document No" field, Document Number must be entered in dispatches/receipts recorded in the application.
  • AR/AP information of the recorded dispatches/receipts must be the same as of e-invoice.

Take the followings into consideration while matching e-invoices and dispatches/receipts:

  • Dispatches/receipts in Cancelled status cannot be included in matching. Dispatches/receipts of which Billing Status is "Unbilled" can be processed.
  • While there cannot be any different line in e-invoice than the recorded dispatch/receipt lines, there cannot be any different line in the existing dispatches/receipts than the e-invoice lines. Material Code, Material Description, Quantity and Unit fields are compared. In case of any difference, matching is not performed, and user is warned and informed that no record is generated. If there are no differences, user is informed that records are matched.
  • While comparing e-invoices and dispatches/receipts, discount and expense lines are ignored.
  • If e-invoice Document No or Dispatch/Receipt No value cannot be found in Document No field of dispatches/receipts recorded in the system, matching is not performed; however, a new dispatch/receipt record is generated.

The following information is shown in matching results window:


Matching result is shown here. "e-Invoice and recorded dispatch/receipt are matched or "are not matched" or "No dispatch/receipt to match with e-Invoice could be found. A new dispatch/receipt is generated" and similar descriptions are given.

e-Invoice No

Invoice number of the received e-invoice.

e-Invoice Date

Invoice date of the received e-invoice.

e-Invoice Dispatch/Receipt No

Invoice dispatch/receipt number of the received e-invoice.

e-Invoice Dispatch/Receipt Date

Invoice dispatch/receipt date of the received e-invoice.

Recorded Dispatch/Receipt No

The number of dispatch/receipt which is recorded in the system and matched with e-invoice.

AR/AP Code

AR/AP code of the recorded dispatch/receipt and received e-invoice.

AR/AP Title

AR/AP title of the recorded dispatch/receipt and received e-invoice.

Material Code

The number of transaction belonging to the recorded dispatch/receipt and received e-invoice.

Material Description

The material description of the transaction belonging to the recorded dispatch/receipt and received e-invoice.


The material unit of the transaction belonging to the recorded dispatch/receipt and received e-invoice.


The material quantity of the transaction belonging to the recorded dispatch/receipt and received e-invoice.

Transaction Date

Date on which matching is performed.

Records which are matched are displayed with View button.