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This report is used to list invoices of which CGS is not generated and which require to calculate difference CGS. It is located under Invoice Reports menu of Sales Management module. The report filters are:



Date Range

Start / End

Organizational Unit

Group / Range


Group / Range

Invoice Type

Retail Sales Return Invoice / Wholesale Return Invoice / Retail Sales Invoice / Wholesale Invoice

Invoice No

Group / Range

Invoice Auxiliary Code

Group / Range

Invoice Authorization Code

Group / Range

Run Costing Maintenance First

Yes / No

Costing Method

First Cost Period / IFRS Cost

Invoices without CGS

List / Do Not List

Invoices To Generate Difference CGS

List / Do Not List

Invoice Lines

List / Do Not List

Invoices in Cancelled status are excluded in this report. 
Cost Methods are taken into consideration when checking invoices of which Cost of Good Sales is not generated and invoices for which difference CGS must be generated. If Run Costing Maintenance First is Yes, costing maintenance is run for the specified cost method. Run Costing Maintenance First filter matters only when Invoices to Generate Difference CGS filter value is List. Costing maintenance runs according to filter value only when Invoices to Generate Difference CGS is selected as List.