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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The promotions applied to the material or service sold are located under the relevant line, and the promotions applied to the slip bottom are located in the section separated with an horizontal line. The promotion lines can be recorded using the defined Promotionsdefined Promotions, or by selecting the information of the promotional material. 

The information about the promotional materials, and the quantities calculated according to the formula specified in the definition are automatically transferred into the slip using the defined promotions. "Apply Promotion" option located in the F9 key or right mouse button menu is used to make a selection from the promotions indicating the promotional material and quantity along with the purchased or sold materials. 

Promotions cannot be applied to order transactions. The promotion applied to the ordered material or service is recorded in the dispatch lines when the order is transferred into the dispatch. The promotions applied to sales transactions can be tracked under separate G/L accounts if required.

Promotions cannot be applied for deposit lines in Dispatches and Invoices. 

Effect of Promotion VAT Amount on Slip Total VAT Amount

To determine whether the promotion VAT amount applied to line or bottom will affect the slip / invoice total in the order, dispatch, and invoices or not, the Promotion VAT Amount Affects Invoice VAT Amount option located on the Trading Group card selected on the slip/invoice is used.

If this field is marked on the Trading Group card selected on the slip or invoice, the VAT amount calculated on the promotion line (applied to line or bottom) will be added to the "Total VAT" field in the total information of the slip or invoice.

Applying Promotion for Line Transaction

In sales dispatches and invoices, information about materials purchased as promotions is recorded directly by entering the relevant material in the line or by using defined promotion cards. In this case, the conditions specified in the definition are applied to the transaction in the slip line.

Applying Sales Promotion Definitions in Line

In the purchase / sales of the materials in the line, the information about the materials given as promotion by using defined promotion cards and the amounts calculated according to the formula in the definition are automatically transferred to the slip. The " Apply Promotion" option is displayed on the F9-right mouse button menu in the case of promotional items that specify the material or materials sent by the sales representative as promotional items, together with the materials sold or purchased, and the amount to be given.

When a promotion is applied to the lines of a sales dispatch or invoice, the promotions of the material processed in the line are listed, and a selection is made. The Date The Date of Transaction is Transaction is used by the application to compare the Start and End Date of the Start and End Date of the promotion. The promotions list displays only the valid cards. 

The promotion amounts are calculated according to the unit prices specified in promotions. A 100% discount is applied for promotional materials, and the calculated discount is transferred into the Total Discount field. The VAT amount of promotional materials is calculated according to the Unit Price and VAT specified in the promotions. 

Direct Processing of Promotion Information

It is also possible to directly record the materials or materials information which is given as promotion for the material on the line in sales dispatches and invoices. Promotion is selected as the line type and the information about the materials or materials given as promotion is selected directly from the related fields.

Slip / Invoice Bottom Promotions
During the sales process, promotions are also applied to the slip or invoice bottom. The information about promotion applications belonging to the transaction bottom is recorded in the section separated by a line in the dispatch and invoice lines.

Line Promotion is selected to save promotion information for the slip or invoice bottom, and the promotion material information is recorded in the relevant fields. Promotions for slip or invoices bottom are tracked under a separate G/L account or are distributed relatively to the materials on the line.


The effect of the promotion lines related to the sales dispatch and invoice bottom on the costs of materials is specified using


the Promotion Discounts parameter of the Sales and Distribution Parameters option located in


the Definitions menu of the Administration module. This parameter contains the following options: 

  • Distribute to Materials
  • Post To Different Account

When "Distribute to Materials" is selected, the promotions applied to the transaction bottom are distributed to the materials according to their weight when the material costs are calculated.


 When "Post To Different Account" is selected, the promotion discounts applied to sales transactions are tracked in a separate G/L account. 

To determine whether the promotion VAT amount applied to bottom will affect the invoice total or not, the Promotion VAT Amount Affects Invoice VAT Amount option located on the Trading Group card selected on the slip/invoice is used.

If this field is marked on the Trading Group card selected in the slip or invoice, the VAT amount calculated on the promotion line will be added to the "Total VAT" field in the total information of the slip or invoice.