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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The lines consist of two sections separated with a line. The upper part of the line is used to record the material and service information and the discount, surcharge and promotion information of the transaction in the line, while the discount, surcharge and promotion of the slip bottom are entered into the lower part. As many sales transactions as requested can be saved in the slip, dispatch/receipt or invoice.

The transactions of different materials and services can be recorded in the same slip lines. A separate line is added for each material and service transaction to be recorded in the slip. The lines where the transaction information is saved are called called  Material/Service Line or Material/Service Transaction. As many material/service lines as required can be added to a slip.

The discount, surcharge and promotion transactions to be applied to the material/service in the line are recorded in the line under the relevant transaction, by selecting a transaction type in the Type field. In addition to the lines displayed on the screen, the material/service line information can also be entered using the option located in the Operations menu of the Sales and Distribution section.
The fields and functions of the slip line are as follows:

Type: Indicates the line type. The type lines are as follows:

  • Material (Commercial Good, Raw Material, Semi Finished Good, Finished Good, Consumer Good)
  • Material Class
  • Mixed Case
  • Deposit (Not used in order slips)
  • Service
  • Subcontracting (Used in service invoices)
  • Fixed Asset
  • Optional Material (Not used in order slips)
  • Discount
  • Surcharge
  • Promotion

Multiple Material Selection in Order / , Dispatch and Invoices 

In sales orders, dispatches and in invoices, you can transfer more than one material to slips at one go. To do this, the materials to be transferred to slip are marked in materials browser and by "select" option all the marked materials are transferred to slips as a separate line.

Material Class
For the sales transactions of the materials belonging to general type material classes, the line type is selected as material class. The information of the child materials under the material class can be recorded in two ways:

  • Material Class Detail Lines
  • Apply Distribution Template
  1. Material Class Detail Lines

This option is located in the F9 or right mouse button menu once the line is entered in slip and invoice lines of which the line type is material class. The information of the child materials of the material class processed in the line are recorded on the Line Distribution Details window. The Code and Description fields are used to record the code and description of the child material located under the material class.
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2. Apply Distribution Template

The information of the child materials of the material class can also be recorded using defined templates. To do so, "Apply Distribution Template" option is selected from the F9 or right mouse button menu after the line is entered. The predefined templates for the material class processed in the line are listed and the appropriate definition is selected. The detail lines of the material class are automatically generated according to the child material and distribution factor specified in the template, and transferred into the Line Details window.

Material Input using Matrix Interface Window
If the material class selected is the material class (with table), the line details are recorded using the Material Table option of the F9 or right mouse button menu. The Material Input using Matrix Interface window consists of three main sections:

  • Slip Line Info
  • Material Table
  • Detail Line Info

The general information of the slip line is displayed on the Slip Line Info section:

Unit field is used to specify the unit to be applied to transactions. The units are listed and the appropriate option is selected.

Quantity field indicates the transaction quantity of the material class. Times Increment option is used to specify the quantity related to the material class detail lines.

Payment Type field is used to specify the payment method of the material class transactions. The payment / collection plans are listed by clicking on "..." icon and the appropriate payment plan is selected.

Description is the description of the slip line.

Material Table field displays the material table generated according to the material characteristics. The transaction quantities can be recorded to related columns.

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The Detail Line Info section is used to record the details of the line information.

Quantity: The total purchase or sales quantity of the material class processed in the line.

Transaction Aux. Code: Indicates the Transaction Aux. Code of the material class. The defined aux. codes are listed and the appropriate definition is selected, or a new definition can be added.

VAT (%): Indicates the actual VAT rate of the line transaction.

Delivery Code: The code indicating the delivery method of the material.

Delivery Date: The code indicating the delivery date of the material.

Description: The description of the Material Class (With table) line.

Project Code: The project code of the transaction. Defined projects are listed, and the appropriate definition is selected.

Unit Price: The unit price of the material included in the material class. The unit price can be directly entered into this field, or the unit price options are listed, and the selection is transferred into the field. 

The values to be applied to the materials within the table for material class (with table) purchase and sales transactions are recorded using Batch Assignment of Values option.

Mixed Case
The materials may also vary depending on the purchase/sales methods. Mixed Case is a sales method. Each mixed case consists of several material items. These materials can be processed with different VAT rates if necessary. The material lines constituting the mixed case are separately included in invoice printing.
For materials that are both included in mixed case and sold separately, the case and individual sales are separately monitored and the relevant costs are individually calculated. The types and parcel quantities of mixed case materials are specified in the material record. The mixed case is processed using the main unit.
The transactions of goods purchased and sold as Mixed Case are recorded in the Purchase and Sales and Distribution section of the application respectively.
When a mixed case material code is entered, the lines of the materials constituting the mixed case are automatically generated. These lines are displayed as additional lines linked to the mixed case line. This line information about the materials within the mixed case cannot be changed or deleted.

  • In the lines of the materials constituting the mixed case, VAT specified in the material records is transferred as default to VAT (%) field. This data can be changed if necessary.
  • Since the materials constituting the mixed case can be processed with different VAT rates, VAT (%) field of the Mixed Case material line is not data enterable.
  • The prices specified in the mixed case definition are automatically inserted into the unit price field of the mixed case material lines, and these prices cannot be changed. However, the unit price of the mixed case can be changed. When the price is changed, the prices of the materials in the mixed case contents change according to their distribution rates.
  • Data cannot be entered into the discount and surcharge columns of the material lines of the mixed case.


When the slips of the mixed case are posted to G/L, the amount in the Mixed Case content is transferred into the mixed case G/L account. The only difference in posting mixed cases to G/L is VAT amount. VAT amount is divided by processing VAT rates and amounts of each material within the mixed case, and posted to G/L under separate VAT accounts.
It is possible to exclude mixed case material lines that are processed from being changed by another user. In order to block changing these lines, check "Do Not Change Mixed Case Contents" box located in Mixed Case Contents tab of the relevant material card.


VAT is not applied for the purchase and sales of deposited items, and such items are tracked by quantity and amount. For instance, the soft drink producers or distributors track the empty bottles by recording them in certain AR/AP accounts as deposits and then receiving them as returns.
A material is defined as deposited or not during the material record generation. The Deposit transactions are divided in two groups:

  • Deposited Item Sales
  • Deposit Return

Since VAT is not involved in deposited item purchases, the VAT column of the slip line of the deposit transaction is not data enterable. The sold or returned quantity is entered into the quantity field. The discount, surcharge and promotions are not applied to deposit transaction lines. The discount, surcharge and promotions applied to the slip bottom do not affect the deposit type slip lines. The Order transactions do not have deposit transaction lines. If the sales order includes deposit transactions, the deposits are recorded in the Dispatch/Receipt and/or Invoice lines.

In deposit return transactions, a minus sign is inserted before the returned quantity in the Quantity column of the Return Dispatch/Receipt and Return Invoice slip lines. The slip lines containing minus signs in the Quantity column of the Purchase Receipt and Purchase Invoice are processed as output transactions by the application.
When the deposited item purchase information is recorded directly using the Purchase Invoice, the purchased material and deposited item are recorded in the invoice slips. The receipt of the invoice is automatically generated by the application. When the Purchase Receipt containing the deposit transaction information is transferred into the invoice, all the deposit type lines within the receipt are transferred into the invoice.


When the line type is selected as Service, the services sold are listed in the code field, and the appropriate service is selected and transferred into the field. The delivery date value on the slip is calculated by processing the delivery (days) number specified in the Service.
If a discount and/or surcharge will be applied to the service order, this information is recorded in the line below the service line. The slip bottom discount and surcharge amounts are distributed to the service lines according to their weight.
The information of the purchased/sold services in the material invoices are recorded by selecting service as the line type, or the service orders are transferred into the invoice.

Order Transfer to Service Invoices

The orders are transferred to service invoices too by using Order Transfer (Slips) and Order Transfer (Transactions) options.
When the orders are transferred by order slips, in case there are material lines in slip, only the service lines of the order slip are transferred to service invoice. When the orders are transferred by order transactions, the Order Transfer filter window is displayed, the requested conditions are set in the filter lines and the services appropriate for these conditions are transferred to invoice.
Partial transfer can also be done for service orders. For this, the quantity to be billed is specified in quantity field in service lines that transferred to invoice. The remaining quantity can be transferred to another invoice later.


The Subcontracting invoice is issued by subcontractor companies, and requires a special VAT application. Companies working with subcontractors according to the liability application in textiles, confection and scrap metal sectors, pay 2/3 of VAT amount specified in the invoice issued by the subcontractor to the government by declaring it in VAT Return instead of paying it to the subcontractor in order to secure the tax to be paid.

A subcontractor invoice is a service invoice. The subcontractor invoice information is recorded by selecting subcontracting as the line type in Service Invoices. The reports list the Subcontractor Invoice information along with VAT Deduction and VAT to be Declared information. VAT Deduction and VAT to be Declared information is calculated and reported according to the quantity entered in the invoice lines.
In sales and purchase invoices, subcontracting application can be done based on line. For this, line type must be selected as "Service". In the event of selecting the service card which was defined by checking "Apply Deduction" option, subcontracting can be applied to invoice line.

The connection codes required to post the subcontractor invoices to G/L are recorded using the G/L Connection Codes option located under the Main Records menu of the General Ledger section of the LOGO application. The Purchase - Deduction VAT Codes and VAT Codes for Deductions over Payments options located under VAT G/L Codes menu are used for this transaction. The subcontractor invoice is posted to G/L as follows after the relevant connection codes are provided:

For the company subcontracting the job:
Net Amount (B)
1/3 VAT (B) 191… VAT to be deducted
2/3 VAT (B) 191… VAT to be paid as the responsible
Net Amount + 1/3 VAT (A)
2/3 VAT (A) 391…. VAT Amount (Calculated) as the responsible
For the subcontractor:
Net Amount + 1/3 VAT (B)
Net Amount (A)
!/3 VAT (A) 391…. VAT Amount (Calculated)

Fixed Asset

The fixed asset purchases, sales, and expenses are recorded by selecting Fixed Asset as the line type. The appropriate fixed asset is selected in the material code field. The fixed asset information is recorded using "Link to Fixed Asset" option located under the F9 or right mouse button menu.

Optional Material

Optional materials are complementary materials for the customer's purchase that are not mandatory to be purchased. The relation between the Optional Material and the materials and material classes complemented by the optional materials are defined on the Material Management section. The information of the optional materials in Sales and Distribution slips and invoices are recorded by selecting "Apply Optional Materials" option, or selecting optional material as the line type.

  1. Apply Optional Materials


  1. By Selecting Optional Material as the Line Type

In optional material slip lines, the line type is selected and recorded as optional material, or the defined optional materials are used.
If the optional material is not defined, the information about the optional material is recorded under the relevant material line by selecting optional material as the line type. The materials are listed and the appropriate record is selected.

Discount / Surcharge

Discounts or Surcharges can be applied to the transaction in the slip or invoice line, or to the slip bottom. The surcharges and discounts to be applied to the transaction in the line are recorded right under the relevant line by selecting discount or surcharge as the line type. The discount lines applied to the slip or invoice bottom are recorded under the section separated with a line. The discounts and surcharges are recorded as Amount, Rate or Formula. The formula definitions are made in the discount and surcharge records.
The priorities of the discounts and surcharges to be applied are specified in the Sales Condition definitions, and applied to the transaction in line. The calculation methods of the discounts and surcharges are tracked using the check sign in the Unit field of the slip. The amount, rate and formula are displayed with TL, % and f(error) icons respectively.

The discounts and surcharges can be tracked under a separate G/L account or by being reflected to the cost of material. The tracking method for the discounts and surcharges is specified using the Sales and Distribution Parameters option of the Administration section. The Discounts and Surcharges filter options of the Sales and Distribution Parameters include the following options:

  • Cost of Material
  • Post to G/L Account


Applying Discounts and Surcharges

Conditions and methods of applying discounts and surcharges to be valid for slips (general) or transactions in lines of order slips, dispatches/receipts and invoices used in purchasing/sales transactions are saved in formula fields located in discount and surcharge definition cards. Defined discounts and surcharges are used to insert formula and discount application rules used in the calculation of applied discounts. Thereby, in case the same discounts are applied as a result of a contract made with a seller, these standard discounts will be available to apply automatically. Discounts and surcharges belonging to the transaction in line are saved right under the relevant line. Discounts, surcharges and promotions belonging to the slip in general are saved in the section separated with double lines.
In order to apply discount and/or surcharges to be valid for the transaction in line or slip in general, line type is determined first.

  • For discounts, line type is selected as Discount.
  • For surcharges, line type is selected as Surcharge.

In purchasing/sales slips and invoices, discount and surcharge can not be applied in deposit lines. Discount and surcharges are applied to the slip or transaction in line by giving a definition code or selecting from the list of defined discounts and surcharges. According to the definition made in card, calculated discount and surcharge amount are displayed in amount field and total discount field located at the bottom of the slip automatically. F(error) sign located in unit field indicates that defined cards are used while entering these discounts and surcharges and amount is calculated according to the formula specified in these cards.

Discount and Surcharges as Amount or Rate

Discounts and surcharges belonging to the slip or the material/service displayed in slip line are saved by giving amount or rate directly. Line type is specified first. "-" character is used for discount, while "+" character is used for surcharge. If discount and surcharge will be given in amount, surcharge and/or discount amount are written directly. If discount and/or surcharge will be given in percentage, discount rate is saved in "%" field.
You can check whether this discount and/or surcharge applied to the slip or line is made over the amount or rate by looking at unit field. Unit fields of discounts and surcharges processed by entering amount are displayed in "TL". If discounts or/and surcharges are calculated over a certain rate, "%" character is displayed in unit field.


The promotions applied to the material or service sold are located under the relevant line, and the promotions applied to the slip bottom are located in the section separated with an horizontal line. The promotion lines can be recorded using the defined Promotions, or by selecting the information of the promotional material.

The information about the promotional materials, and the quantities calculated according to the formula specified in the definition are automatically transferred into the slip using the defined promotions. "Apply Promotion" option located in the F9 key or right mouse button menu is used to make a selection from the promotions indicating the promotional material and quantity along with the purchased or sold materials.

Promotions cannot be applied to order transactions. The promotion applied to the ordered material or service is recorded in the dispatch lines when the order is transferred into the dispatch. The promotions applied to sales transactions can be tracked under separate G/L accounts if required. Promotions cannot be applied for deposit lines in Dispatches and Invoices.

When a promotion is applied to the lines of a sales dispatch or invoice, the promotions of the material processed in the line are listed, and a selection is made. The Date of Transaction is used by the application to compare the Start and End Date of the promotion. The promotions list displays only the valid cards.

The promotion amounts are calculated according to the unit prices specified in promotions. A 100% discount is applied for promotional materials, and the calculated discount is transferred into the Total Discount field. The VAT amount of promotional materials is calculated according to the Unit Price and VAT specified in the promotions.

The effect of the promotion lines related to the sales dispatch and invoice bottom on the costs of materials is specified using the Promotion Discounts parameter of the Sales and Distribution Parameters option located in the Definitions menu of the Administration section. This parameter contains the following options:

  • Distribute to Materials
  • Post To Different Account

When "Distribute to Materials" is selected, the promotions applied to the transaction bottom are distributed to the materials according to their weight when the material costs are calculated.

When "Post To Different Account" is selected, the promotion discounts applied to sales transactions are tracked in a separate G/L account.
The discount, surcharge and promotion transactions to be applied to the material/service in the line are recorded in the line under the relevant transaction, by selecting a transaction type in the Type field. In addition to the lines displayed on the screen, the material/service line information can also be entered using the option located in the Operations menu of the Sales and Distribution section. The fields and functions of the slip line are as follows:

Type: Indicates the line type. The type lines are as follows:

  • Material (Commercial Good, Raw Material, Semi Finished Good, Finished Good, Consumer Good)
  • Material Class
  • Mixed Case
  • Deposit (Not used in order slips)
  • Service
  • Subcontracting (Used in service invoices)
  • Fixed Asset
  • Optional Material (Not used in order slips)
  • Discount
  • Surcharge
  • Promotion

Code: The code of the material or service processed in the line. The LOGO application supports the use of barcodes in material input and output transactions. If barcodes are used, the material selection can be made using a barcode reader.

Description 1-2: The description of the material or service processed in the line. When the code field is filled in, the description of the material or service is automatically displayed on this field.


Quantity: This column is used to indicate the number of unit inputs and outputs from the relevant material or service. If the barcode reader is used, the quantity field is automatically updated when a material barcode is read.

Undelivered Quantity: This  This field is available only on Order Slips. Displays the undelivered part of the quantity specified in the line.


  • User Defined Purchase Price
  • User Defined Sales Price
  • Average Price
  • Last Purchase
  • Last Sales Price
  • Average of on hand
  • Average of Inputs
  • Periodical Average
  • LIFO Cost
  • FIFO Cost
  • Physical Cost
  • Predefined Unit Prices
  • Last Purchase/Sales Proposal Price

Unit price options include options for calculating methods according to the cost methods depending on the selection made on the "Limit Stock Cost Method" parameter. If "Yes" is selected in the "Limit Stock Cost Method Usage" parameter in Material Management Parameters, only the cost method used by the company is included in unit price options. If No is selected, all cost methods will be listed as unit price options.

Note: In System Administration program section when "Select Unit Price From List Only" option, which is located under General Definitions of Rights For Program Functions, is checked for a user apart from administrator, related user cannot define a price manually in unit price fields of slips and invoices except for Defined Unit Prices.

User Defined Sales price or Last Sales Prices option can be selected in the Service lines.

Unit Price in F. Currency : The unit price in foreign currency of the material or service. The unit price in the selected currency is recorded in the Currency type field.F. Currency Type: This field is used to specify the currency if the transactions in the slip or invoice line are recorded and billed using a different currency than the local currency. The currency type to be applied to the lines is specified in the Currency Type field.

Unit Price in F. Currency: The unit price in foreign currency of the material or service. The unit price in the selected currency is recorded in the Currency type field.

Discount %: Indicates the discount percentage to be applied to the material in line.

VAT (%): VAT rate defined in the material or service. VAT rate specified in the record is automatically displayed in this field.
