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The transactions of the services sold in all warehouses are tracked using Transactions option located in the F9 / right mouse button menu of the Services list. The Transactions window is displayed as a table. The upper part of the table display the Code and Description of the Service and the Main Unit information defined in the record. The table lines list the following information of the transactions pertaining to the service sold:

  • Date
  • Slip No. and Slip Type
  • AR/AP Code and AR/AP Title
  • Division / Department / Warehouse
  • Description
  • Quantity, Unit Price and Unit
  • Amount
  • Pricing Currency and Pricing Currency Amount
  • Transaction Aux. Code
  • Division / Department / Warehouse

The document of any desired transaction can be viewed using "View" option located in the Service Transactions window. Filters option is used to list only the transactions matching the required conditions.
The filter options are as follows:



Slip Type

Retail Sales Return Invoice / Wholesale Return Invoice / Retail Sales Invoice / Wholesale Invoice / Service Sales Invoice

Slip Date

Start / End

Slip No.

Group / Range

Slip Document No.

Group / Range

Slip Aux. Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Title

Group / Range


Defined divisions


Defined departments


Defined warehouses

Transaction Aux. Code

Group / Range

Invoice Status

Actual / Proposal

Project CodeGroup / Range
Transaction TypeService / Subcontracting

The conditions can be saved by clicking Save Filter button in order to generate the transaction lists with the same conditions. Load Filter button is used to use the saved filter files.

Service Transactions are listed in accordance with the Division authority of the user.