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Inputs such as materials, services, resources etc., input quantity information and unit prices are defined in Work Definitions. By entering profit ratio, you can also calculate profitable unit price.
Work definitions can be associated with the project activities by selecting them in the projects. To calculate the cost of the activity to which the work definition is related, contract relation and contract percentages are used. (Contract Amount * Contract Percentage) However, there is an amount information specified in the work definition, work definition price is multiplied by the quantity to calculate activity cost. When any changes are applied to the quantity in work definition, input materials that are defined in the activity are also updated.
By means of adding work definitions to the activities, which are added in the projects, parent activities - work groups - are generated in a hierarchical format. Actual (realization) information is kept historically for each work definition. "Calculate Progress Payment" option located in the project right click menu displays a list of works pertaining to the specified date with quantity, percentage, amount details and the progress payment summary of the relevant work groups.
See. Progress Payments
Work Definitions option is located under the Definitions menu. Click New button in Work Definitions browser to make a new Work Definition.
Enter the following information in Work Definition window.

Position No

Definition code of the work definition.


Name or explanatory information of the work definition.

Work Group

Work group information of the definition. It opens Work Groups browser where you can select the relevant group or make a new definition. See. Work Groups




Activity Duration

Activity duration has Day (default), Hour, Week and Month options.


Employee, who is responsible of the work definition, is selected in this field. It opens Employees browser where you can select the relevant employee.

Organizational Unit

Organizational unit of the work definition. It opens Organizational Unit Definitions browser where you can make a selection.


Calendar that will apply for the work definition is selected.


Unit of the work definition. It opens Units browser where you can select the relevant unit.

Profit Rate

Profit rate info of the work definition. In line with the specified rate, Profitable Unit Price is calculated.

Profitless Unit Price

Profitless unit price info of the work definition. Profitless unit price is calculated by saving Materials and Resources forms located under the Attached Records menu of Work Definition form.

Profitable Unit Price

Profitable unit price info of the work definition. Profitable unit price is calculated according to the profit rate that is entered in percentage.





Input type of the work definition is selected in this field. The options are:

  • Material
  • Service
  • Asset
  • Material Class
  • Temporary Material
  • Temporary Service


The code of the Material / Service / Asset / Material Class / Temporary Material / Temporary Service that will be used as an input. Click browse button (...) to open the relevant definition browser and make a selection.


The description of the material / service or asset record. When you enter info in the Code field, the relevant input's description is transferred here.

Variant Code

Variant code of the configurable material that is selected in the Type field.

Variant Description

Variant description of the configurable material that is selected in the Type field.


The required material/service or asset quantity for the work definition.


The relevant unit for the material / service / asset that will be used as input.

Current Price

Current price of the materials that will be used as input.


Amount of the input material. It is calculated automatically over the Quantity and Current Price information.


Refers to the warehouse from which input material will be procured.


Shows if the relevant input will affect project costs. If it will affect the costs, it is checked.

Unit Cost (LC)

Unit cost in local currency.

Unit Cost (RC)

Unit cost in reporting currency.

RC Exchange Rate

Exchange rate of reporting currency. Exchange rate of the slip date is read from Daily Exchange Rate Table and is shown in the field. It can be changed if required.

Planned Costs (LC)

Planned cost amount that is calculated over local currency. It is calculated by the system.

Planned Costs (RC)

Planned cost amount that is calculated over reporting currency. It is calculated by the system.

Line Comment

A description of the work definition line is entered in this field.

Output Materials




The type of the output - which will be acquired as the result of the work definition - is selected in this field. The options are:

  • Material
  • Service
  • Asset
  • Material Class
  • Temporary Material
  • Temporary Service


The code of the Material / Service / Asset / Material Class / Temporary Material / Temporary Service that will be used as output. Click browse button (...) to open the relevant definition browser and make a selection.


The description of the material / service or asset record. When you enter info in the Code field, the relevant output's description is transferred here.

Variant Code

Variant code of the configurable material that is selected in the Type field.

Variant Description

Variant description of the configurable material that is selected in the Type field.


The quantity of the material/service or asset that will be acquired as the result of the work definition.


It refers to the relevant unit over which the output will be acquired as the result of the activity.


It refers to the relevant warehouse to which the output will be sent.

Cost Factor

Cost factor is specified in this field provided that Cost Accounting is in use.

Line Comment

A description of the work definition line is entered in this field.


The assets, which will be used to perform work definition, and employees, who will be working in this work, are saved.

Resource Type

Resource type that is required for the work definition is entered. The options are:

  • Asset
  • Asset Part
  • Employee
  • External Asset
  • External Personnel
  • Temporary Asset
  • Temporary Employee

Asset Category

Asset category is set in this field for the resources of Asset and Asset Part types. The options are Real Estate, Transport Vehicle and Equipment.

Code / Registration No

According to your selection in Resource Type field, asset, asset par or employee number is entered in this field. Click browse button (...) to open the relevant definition browser and make a selection.

Description / Name - Surname

The description of the resource. When you enter info in the Code field, the relevant resource description is transferred here. You can also list the relevant definitions from Description field and make a selection.


Shows if resource cost will affect project costs. If it will affect the costs, it is checked.

Determinant of Planning

This option is checked if the resource that is selected in line is a determinant of planning. When scheduling the activity, it shows that available working hours of the responsible employee is a determinant factor in the planning. Availability of employees/resources, which is a determinant of planning, is identified and the intersection set of available times is found. Employees/resources, which are not classified as a determinant of planning, work in their own available period according to this intersection set.

Work Duration

Specified work duration of the resources.


Refers to the work duration unit. The options are Hour, Day, Week and Month.

Current Price

This is the current price of the resources that are used.


This is the amount of the resources. It is calculated automatically according to the Work Duration and Current Price fields.