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Once the production order is recorded, the work orders are created automatically in accordance with the routing definitions used in the production order. A separate work order is generated for the route used in the production order and each operation related to this routing. The work order information is obtained from the operations related to the production order as well. Changes to this information are recorded on the following tabs of the work order window:

  • General
  • Durations
  • Resources
  • Stop Transactions
  • Planned Costs
  • Actual Costs
  • Planned Overheads

The following information is displayed on the tabs:


Work Order No: Indicates the work order number.

Status: Indicates the work order status. The work orders are generated when the production order is recorded. The status field contains the following options:

  • Not Proceeded
  • Continuing
  • Stopped
  • Completed
  • Closed


Workstation Code / Workstation Description: These fields are used to record the information regarding the workstation of the work order. The routing specified in the production order and the workstation code and definition to be used for the operations within this routing are transferred as default into this field. This value can be changed with another workstation used in the operation definitions if necessary. The workstation can be changed only if the status of the work order is "Not Proceeded" or "Continuing" when the production order is released.

Otherwise, it cannot be changed.

Production Input Quantity: It is the field that display planned and actual material production quantities. The quantity info in related production order is transferred to this field automatically. It is only for tracking.


The planned and actual durations of the work order can be recorded and tracked on the Durations tab of the work order window. The Durations tab contains the planned and actual Start Date, End Date, Start Time and End Time of the work order, and the operation time information.

The fields and functions of the durations tab are:


Planned End Date: The end date of the operation to which the work order is related. The end date specified in the operation definition of the work order is calculated by processing the times specified in the operation definition, and transferred to this field. This date can be changed by the user if necessary.

Planned End Time: Indicates the operation end date in the workstation. Indicates the time range in which the work will end according to the daily work hours specified in the workstation definitions. For example, if the daily work time of the workstation is 6 hours and the operation will end at the 3rd hour, the data should be entered as 03.00.00.

Transaction Duration (min): This value is calculated by processing the start and end time, and transferred into this field.

The planned start date and planned end date can be changed when the status of the work order is "Not Started".

The planned start date, planned end date and actual start date can be changed when the Status of the Work Order is "Released", "Not Not Proceeded", "Continuing" or "Stopped". 

If production order is released, and the status of the work order is "Completed", only Actual Start Date can be changed. If the status of the work order is "Closed", none of the fields can be modified.

Changes made to the planned start date and planned end date of the work orders affect only the planned start date and planned end date of the production order.

If the planned start date of the work order is before the planned start date of the production order, the planned start date of the production order becomes the same with the planned start date of the work order.

If the planned end date of the work order is after the planned end date of the production order, the planned end date of the production order becomes the same with the planned end date of the work order.

Changes made either to the planned start date or planned end date options of the work order update the other using the previously calculated operation time.


The resources used for the work orders of the production order are tracked on the Resources tab of the work order window, and updated by adding new resources if necessary. Resources used in the work order are listed with the following info:

  • Resource Type
  • Resource Code
  • Resource Description
  • Quantity

The resource usage records are generated by the LOGO application by detecting the Employee and Tool requirements defined in the operation requirements lines during production order release.

The release operation is not stopped if there is a problem in the defined resources for employee and tool requirements. However, resource usage records are not generated for problematic resources. The following problems may occur on records with Employee Resource Type:

  • Changes in the plant information of the employee,
  • Passive status of the employee or the tool,
  • No shift assignments for the employee.

Daily usage records are generated for resources complying with the conditions. If a group is selected to fulfill the labor requirements during time schedule generation, the employees within the group are selected by first considering the Priority information, and then checking whether or not the employee in question is previously added to the schedule for the operation. Each employee can be added to the schedule once only.

This check is performed in each stage of labor schedule generation.

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The options and functions located in the right mouse button menu of the resources tab are:

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The option used to record the resource usage information of the work order. This option is located in the right mouse button menu of the resources tab. The Planned Resource Usage Entry window is used to record the following info:

  • Calculation
  • Start Date
  • Start Time
  • End Date
  • End Time
  • Operation Time
  • Quantity
  • Fixed Setup Duration
  • Operation Batch
  • Operation Duration
  • Transport Batch
  • Transport Duration

The dates and times specified on the window are calculated on a 24 hours basis. The user can change the calculated value, provided that the new value is lower than the calculated value. The operation time is automatically calculated when the time and size information is entered. The operation time cannot be calculated without specifying the quantity.

The operation time can be changed or entered directly. However, the user defined operation time information cannot be split into its components. A time schedule is generated by processing the start date and start time during operation time calculation. The end date is calculated automatically.

The Planned Resource Usage Entry (Employee) and Planned Resource Usage Entry (Tool) windows are used to record the following information:

  • Start Date
  • Start Time
  • End Date
  • End Time
  • Duration (min)

The time can be directly entered by the user. In this case, the end date is not processed in the time schedule.

The timetable can be arranged according to the end date and end time while the time field is empty.

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Actual resource usage information of each line is recorded using Actual Resource Usage Entry option located in the right mouse button menu of the resources tab. The actual resource usage entry option is available only if the status of the work order is "Work in Process", "Stopped" or "Completed". In other words, actual resource usage entry cannot be performed for work orders if the status is "Not Started" or "Closed".

Information can be recorded for a specific date range or on a daily basis using the actual resource usage entry option. The LOGO application applies separate operations for these two cases:

  1. If actual resource usage entry is performed for a specific date range, the LOGO application transforms this date range into daily records. The following points are processed during this transformation:


First, the suitable days for the department of the employee in the given date ranges are determined. Then the actual start time and actual end time of the resource is determined for the identified day. If the generation date of the schedule is the first day of the date range, the actual start time is the time specified by the user. The End Date is determined by checking the daily working hours of the workstation.

If the daily work hours of the employee were longer than the work hours of the workstation, the employee would have completed his daily work once the daily working hours of the workstation are completed.

If the daily work hours of the employee were shorter than or equal to the work hours of the workstation, the employee would have completed his daily work once the daily working hours are completed.

If the generation date of the schedule is the last day of the date range, the checks are performed according to the end time specified by the user.

If the employee's daily work hours > End Time, the employee cannot complete the work at the end time.
If the employee's daily work hours <= End Time, the employee would have completed the work at the end of his daily working hours.

      2. When actual resource usage entry is performed for a single day, the record is generated according to the start time and end time to be applied for this specific date only. However, no checks are performed for such records; the date, start time, end time and time information is recorded as is.

Stop Transactions

In case that the operation performed with the work order is stopped for any reason, the information pertaining to the stop transaction is recorded on the Stop Transactions tab of the work order window. The information and functions on the stop transactions tab are:


Stop Duration: Indicates for how long the operation stopped.

Stopping operations can be performed when the status of the production order is "Work in process" or "Stopped". The stop date and stop time entered while the status is "Work in Process" changes the work order status as Stopped unless the start date and start time are entered.

More than one stop transaction can be recorded for each work order on the stop transactions tab. The stop date and stop time overlap check is performed by the LOGO application.

The stop range must be within the planned / actual start date and the end date range. If the actual start date is not entered, checks are performed according to the planned start date and end date. If the actual values are entered, checks are performed according to the actual start date and end date.

If the definition record indicates that the stop cause will not affect planning, the start and end dates of the work orders with not started status that follow the current work order change as well when the production order is released. The start and end times displayed on the release window are the planned start and end times present while the status of the work order is not started.

When the status of the work order is "Work in Process", the start time is the actual start time, and the End Time is equal to Actual Start Time + Planned Operation Time + Stop Duration. 

When the work order is completed, the start and end times are the actual start and end times. Therefore, if the date is postponed, these dates are postponed as well. The criteria that determine the delay are overlap rates and planning method.

Consecutive Stopping During Production Process

In case that the operation performed with the production order is stopped for any reason, other related production orders are provided to be stopped at the same time.

When a work order is stopped, the application asks for approval for other related production orders' statuses. In case the user approves, same stopping record is entered to the other related work orders which are in "Continuing" status and intersected with the start time of stopping transaction of related production orders. Related work orders' and production orders' statuses are set as "Stopped".

When stopping transaction is recording after giving a start date, the work orders' stopping transactions belonging to the relevant production orders with same stopping date are updated, and work orders' and production orders' statuses are set as "Continuing".

The status of "Not Processed" production orders is not changed.

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Planned costs can be tracked through the work order as well. The window displays the material cost, workstation cost, labor cost and overhead share amounts calculated by including the totals of all work orders generated in connection with the production order in local and reporting currencies. Overhead groups are located under Overhead Share field. Overhead costs are viewed in detail on group basis by grouping the overheads.

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Actual costs can be tracked through the work order as well.

The window displays the material cost, workstation cost, labor cost and overhead share amounts calculated by including the totals of all work orders generated in connection with the production order in local and reporting currencies.

The overhead share, G/L code and overhead pool information is also entered on this window.
Overhead groups are located under Overhead Share field. Overhead costs are viewed in detail on group basis by grouping the overheads.

Actual costs are calculated by work order on the costs window accessed through the work order. In other words, the calculation contains the cost of the usage or scrap materials used in the operation instead of material costs as a whole, and the labor costs for that single operation instead of all production labor costs.

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Planned overheads are tracked using the planned overheads option on the production order. Planned overhead information is tracked on the following fields:  

  • Type
  • Service Cost Center
  • Production Cost Center
  • Cost Period
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Overhead Code
  • Overhead Description
  • Overhead Group Code
  • Activity
  • Planned Quantity
  • Unit
  • Planned Unit Cost
  • Planned Amount
  • Planned Amount (Reporting Currency)
  • Work Order Number