Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Financial Table Definitions located in the Transactions menu of the General Ledger section are kept as files with user defined names, and reports can be generated by selecting the required table. The defined tables are:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Profit/Loss Table
  • Cost of Sales Table
  • Fund Flow Table
  • Cash Flow Table
  • Dividend Table
  • Net Monetary Position Profit/Loss Statement
  • VAT Return
  • Monthly Tax Return
  • VAT Return (2)
  • Provisional Tax Declaration

Existing definitions for the table are displayed on the window accessed by selecting any one of these definitions. A dialogue box opens by clicking on "New" button, and it displays the following options:

  • Standard Definition
  • Blank Definition


Financial table reports are generated using Report option located in the right mouse button menu while the defined table is selected.

Standard definitions must be previously recorded on the Financial Table Definitions section in order to run Standard Definition reports.

If there are no definitions, reports cannot be run when Standard Definition is selected.

Anchor_Toc177549534_Toc177549534 Anchor_Toc177549675_Toc177549675 Anchor_Toc177549815_Toc177549815 Anchor_Toc177549954_Toc177549954 Anchor_Toc178068683_Toc178068683 Anchor_Toc178068834_Toc178068834 Anchor_Toc178068983_Toc178068983 Anchor_Toc178069131_Toc178069131 Anchor_Toc178069278_Toc178069278 Anchor_Toc178069425_Toc178069425 Anchor_Toc179602474_Toc179602474 Anchor_Toc185752182_Toc185752182Balance Sheet

The balance sheet consists of Actives (Assets) and Passives (Liabilities) sections. This table can be thought as the combination of two separate financial table definitions called Actives and Passives. The difference of the balance sheet from other tables is that the Profit/Loss definition is included in the report. The profit/loss definition is not included in other tables. The profit and loss formulas are displayed as below:


Loss = Total Passive Amount – Total Active Amount

Anchor_Toc177549535_Toc177549535 Anchor_Toc177549676_Toc177549676 Anchor_Toc177549816_Toc177549816 Anchor_Toc177549955_Toc177549955 Anchor_Toc178068684_Toc178068684 Anchor_Toc178068835_Toc178068835 Anchor_Toc178068984_Toc178068984 Anchor_Toc178069132_Toc178069132 Anchor_Toc178069279_Toc178069279 Anchor_Toc178069426_Toc178069426 Anchor_Toc179602475_Toc179602475 Anchor_Toc185752183_Toc185752183Other Financial Tables

The definitions of Profit/Loss, Cost of Sales, Cash Flow, Fund Flow and Dividend tables within this group do not consist of two sections as in the balance sheet. The items on these tables are defined as a single list sorted top-down. Profit/Loss definitions are not included in the table.

Anchor_Toc177549536_Toc177549536 Anchor_Toc177549677_Toc177549677 Anchor_Toc177549817_Toc177549817 Anchor_Toc177549956_Toc177549956 Anchor_Toc178068685_Toc178068685 Anchor_Toc178068836_Toc178068836 Anchor_Toc178068985_Toc178068985 Anchor_Toc178069133_Toc178069133 Anchor_Toc178069280_Toc178069280 Anchor_Toc178069427_Toc178069427 Anchor_Toc179602476_Toc179602476 Anchor_Toc185752184_Toc185752184 Financial Table Fields

The tables are defined using the options located in the right mouse button menu. These options and their functions are:


This option is used to record footnotes in Balance Sheets and Income tables. If the application does not contain any footnote for the selected table, Footnotes should be entered by the user when the table is defined.

Record Table

Table records require a file name and description. The report file to run in the Financial Table Definition section is selected depending on the Description information entered on this field.

Anchor_Toc177549537_Toc177549537 Anchor_Toc177549678_Toc177549678 Anchor_Toc177549818_Toc177549818 Anchor_Toc177549957_Toc177549957 Anchor_Toc178068686_Toc178068686Group

The Group line is used to display the totals of amounts that are displayed under the selected line and that are coded to generate a sub-header on a single line. The group line can be independent from other groups, or can be the sub-line of another group depending on the definition code. This line is also processed when the Subtotal and General Total information of other lines is calculated.

Calculation Method

The amount of the group line is calculated by aggregating the amount of other lines that are listed under this line, and that are "sub-lines" according to the definition code.

Group Definition Window

The fields and functions of this window are:

Field Name


Definition Code

Used to assign a line code to group information. If codes entered on this field are defined in order to generate sub-headers as in chart of accounts codes, sub-groups and lines can be generated. The coding can be done as follows:

  1. Main group
    1. Sub-Group
      1. Lowest Level Group
    2. Account
    3. Formula

Definition Name

The description of the group line for which a definition code is entered is recorded on this field, and is displayed next to the group code.

Transaction Type

      • Add
  • Delete
  • Do Not Process

This information indicates how the amount of the group line will affect the Subtotal and General Total fields located on subsequent lines. If the defined group line is used as a subgroup due to the coding method, this option also specifies how the line amount will affect the main group.

Inverse Balance

  • List
  • Do Not List

This option is used to prevent displaying amount information in table report if the total amount resulting from sub-lines is negative.


      • Print
  • Do Not Print

Used to avoid that the line of the defined group is displayed on the Financial Table report. Since the effect of this option is only visual, the group line is not printed on the table report; however, the amount information of the line is processed on Subtotal, General Total and Main Group Total transactions.


The Account line is used to select an account depending on its code in the chart of accounts, and to display amount transactions for this account such as Debit, Credit, Balance, Increase and Decrease on a single line. The Account line can be independent from other groups, or can be the sub-line of another group depending on the definition code. This line is also processed when the Subtotal and General Total information of other lines is calculated.

Calculation Method

The amount to be displayed on the account line is equalized to the amount of the G/L account specified on the Account Code field for which the type is selected on the Account Amount field.

Account Definition Window

The fields and functions of this window are:

Field Name


Definition Code

Used to assign a line code to the G/L account information. If this code is specified according to the level-based structure, it can be the sub-line of a group. Since the definition code is applied only for financial tables, it shouldn't be confused with the G/L Account Code. Other lines cannot be connected as sub-lines to the account line. In other words, the account amount information is not affected by other lines, and is generated only according to the amounts of the defined account.

Definition Name

The description of the account line for which a definition code is entered is recorded on this field, and is displayed next to the account definition code.

Account Code

The account that will affect the amount line is selected according to the G/L code on the chart of accounts. The Debit, Credit and Balance amounts of the selected G/L account generate the amount of the account line at the end of this transaction.


      • Print
  • Do Not Print

Used to avoid that the defined line is displayed on the Financial Table report. Since the effect of this option is only visual, the account line is not printed on the table report; however, the amount information of the line is processed on Subtotal, General Total and Main Group Total transactions.

Anchor_Toc177549538_Toc177549538 Anchor_Toc177549679_Toc177549679 Anchor_Toc177549819_Toc177549819 Anchor_Toc177549958_Toc177549958 Anchor_Toc178068687_Toc178068687 Anchor_Toc178068837_Toc178068837 Anchor_Toc178068986_Toc178068986 Anchor_Toc178069134_Toc178069134 Anchor_Toc178069281_Toc178069281 Anchor_Toc178069428_Toc178069428 Anchor_Toc179602477_Toc179602477 Anchor_Toc185752185_Toc185752185

Inverse Balance

  • List
  • Do Not List

This option is used to prevent displaying amount information in table report if the calculated amount is negative.

Anchor_Toc177549539_Toc177549539 Anchor_Toc177549680_Toc177549680 Anchor_Toc177549820_Toc177549820 Anchor_Toc177549959_Toc177549959 Anchor_Toc178068688_Toc178068688 Anchor_Toc178068838_Toc178068838 Anchor_Toc178068987_Toc178068987 Anchor_Toc178069135_Toc178069135 Anchor_Toc178069282_Toc178069282 Anchor_Toc178069429_Toc178069429 Anchor_Toc179602478_Toc179602478 Anchor_Toc185752186_Toc185752186

Account Amount

  • Balance
  • Debit / Credit
  • Debit / Credit Balance
  • Increase / Decrease
  • Balance as of Period Start
  • End of Period Balance
  • Debit/Credit Within Period
  • Balance Within Period

This field is used to specify the information to be used in G/L account amount calculations. For example, if account code is selected as 100 and account amount is selected as debit, the amount information to be displayed for this line on the financial table report is equal to the debit of the account with code 100 at the date of the table. The functions of the account amount parameters are separately explained.

Transaction Type

      • Add
  • Delete
  • Do Not Process

This information indicates how the amount of the account line will affect the Subtotal and General Total fields located on subsequent lines. If the defined account line is used as a subgroup due to the coding method, this option also specifies how the line amount will affect the main group.

Exchange Rate to Use

  • Exchange Rate on Reporting Date
  • Exchange Rate on Transaction Date

If the report is generated in foreign currency, the amount of the account line must be calculated in foreign currency.
When Exchange Rate on Reporting Date is selected, the amount is calculated in local currency, and the amount in foreign currency is calculated by dividing this amount to the reporting currency exchange rate at the date of the report.
When Exchange Rate on Transaction Date is selected, the amount is calculated by processing the monthly reporting currency totals recorded in connection with the G/L account. Local currency information is not used in any stage. Since monthly foreign currency totals in G/L accounts are updated with the exchange rates on transaction dates, financial tables are generated using the exchange rates on transaction dates.

Account Type

      • Debit
  • Credit

This option is used in connection with the Account Amount parameter, and affects the calculation of Increase and Decrease information.
If the account type is debit, Balance = Debit - Credit formula is used.
If the account type is credit, Balance = Credit - Debit formula is used. In this way,
Increase = End of Period Balance - Balance as of Period Start (if positive), and
Decrease = End of Period Balance - Balance as of Period Start (if negative) information is also affected.

AnchorIDH_hesap_araly_yIDH_hesap_araly_y Anchor_Toc177549540_Toc177549540 Anchor_Toc177549681_Toc177549681 Anchor_Toc177549821_Toc177549821 Anchor_Toc177549960_Toc177549960 Anchor_Toc178068689_Toc178068689 Anchor_Toc178068839_Toc178068839 Anchor_Toc178068988_Toc178068988 Anchor_Toc178069136_Toc178069136 Anchor_Toc178069283_Toc178069283 Anchor_Toc178069430_Toc178069430 Anchor_Toc179602479_Toc179602479 Anchor_Toc185752187_Toc185752187Account Range

The Account range line is used to select a group of accounts depending on their codes in the chart of accounts, and to display amount transactions for these accounts such as Debit, Credit, Balance, Increase and Decrease on a single line. The account range line can be independent from other groups, or can be the sub-line of another group depending on the definition code. This line is also processed when the Subtotal and General Total information of other lines is calculated.

Calculation Method

The amount to be displayed on the account range line is equalized to the amount of the G/L accounts specified on the Account Range field for which the type is selected on the Account Amount field.

Account Range Definition Window

The fields and functions of this window are:

Anchor_Toc177549541_Toc177549541 Anchor_Toc177549682_Toc177549682 Anchor_Toc177549822_Toc177549822 Anchor_Toc177549961_Toc177549961 Anchor_Toc178068690_Toc178068690 Anchor_Toc178068840_Toc178068840

Field Name


Definition Name

Used to assign a line code to the account range information. If this code is specified according to the level-based structure, it can be the sub-line of a group. Other lines cannot be connected as sub-lines to the account range line. In other words, the account range amount information is not affected by other lines, and is generated only according to the amounts of the defined accounts.

Definition Name

The description of the account line for which a definition code is entered is recorded on this field, and is displayed next to the account range definition code.

Account Range

The account range that will affect the amount line is selected according to the G/L code on the chart of accounts. The Debit, Credit and Balance amounts of all accounts within the range (including the start and end values) generate the amount of the account range line.

Transaction type

      • Add
  • Delete
  • Do Not Process

This information indicates how the amount of the account range line will affect the Subtotal and General Total fields located on subsequent lines. If the defined account range line is used as a subgroup due to the coding method, this option also specifies how the line amount will affect the main group.

Account Amount

  • Balance
  • Debit/ Credit
  • Debit / Credit Balance
  • Increase / Decrease
  • Balance as of Period Start
  • End of Period Balance
  • Debit / Within Period
  • Balance Within Period

This field is used to specify the information to be used in amount calculations for the defined G/L account range. The specified account type is applied to all accounts within the range. For example, if account range is selected as 100...150 and account amount is selected as debit, the amount information to be displayed for this line on the financial table report is equal to the debit of all accounts within codes 100 and 150 at the date of the table. The functions of the account amount parameters are separately explained.

Exchange Rate to Use

      • Exchange Rate on Reporting Date
  • Exchange Rate on Transaction Date

If the report is generated in foreign currency, the amount of the account lines must be calculated in foreign currency.
When Exchange Rate on Reporting Date is selected, amounts are calculated in local currency, and the amount in foreign currency is calculated by dividing this amount to the reporting currency exchange rate at the date of the report.
When Exchange Rate on Transaction Date is selected, amounts are calculated by processing the monthly reporting currency totals recorded in connection with the G/L account. Local currency information is not used in any stage. Since monthly foreign currency totals in G/L accounts are updated with the exchange rates on transaction dates, financial tables are generated using the exchange rates on transaction dates.


      • Print
  • Do Not Print

Used to avoid that the defined line is displayed on the Financial Table report. Since the effect of this option is only visual, the account range line is not printed on the table report; however, the amount information of the line is processed on Subtotal, General Total and Main Group Total transactions.

Inverse Balance

      • List
  • Do Not List

This option is used to prevent displaying amount information in table report if the calculated amount is negative.

Account Type

      • Debit
  • Credit

This option is used in connection with the Account Amount parameter, and affects the calculation of Increase and Decrease information.
If the account type is debit, Balance = Debit - Credit formula is used.
If the account type is credit, Balance = Credit - Debit formula is used. In this way,
Increase = End of Period Balance - Balance as of Period Start (if positive), and Decrease = End of Period Balance - Balance as of Period Start (if negative) information is also affected.

AnchorIDH_tutarIDH_tutar Anchor_Toc177549542_Toc177549542 Anchor_Toc177549683_Toc177549683 Anchor_Toc177549823_Toc177549823 Anchor_Toc177549962_Toc177549962 Anchor_Toc178068691_Toc178068691 Anchor_Toc178068841_Toc178068841 Anchor_Toc178068989_Toc178068989 Anchor_Toc178069137_Toc178069137 Anchor_Toc178069284_Toc178069284 Anchor_Toc178069431_Toc178069431 Anchor_Toc179602480_Toc179602480 Anchor_Toc185752188_Toc185752188Amount

Amount information such as cash amount in account XX, and allowances allocated from account YY cannot be obtained from the chart of accounts in financial tables in foreign currency, or Cash Flow and Fund Flow tables. Therefore, Amount lines can be defined in financial tables for data entry by users.

The amount line can be independent from other groups, or can be the sub-line of another group depending on the definition code. This line is also processed when the Subtotal and General Total information of other lines is calculated.

Calculation Method

Since the amount to be displayed is directly entered by the user, calculation is not performed.

Amount Definition Window

The fields and functions of this window are:

Field Name


Definition Code

Used to assign a line code to the amount information. If this code is specified according to the level-based structure, it can be the sub-line of a group. Other lines cannot be connected as sub-lines to the amount line. In other words, the amount information of the amount line is not affected by other lines, and is generated only according to the amounts of the defined accounts in local or foreign currency.

Definition Name

The description of the account line for which a definition code is entered is recorded on this field, and is displayed next to the amount definition code.

Transaction type

      • Add
  • Delete
  • Do Not Process

This information indicates how the amount of the amount line will affect the Subtotal and General Total fields located on subsequent lines. If the defined amount line is used as a subgroup due to the coding method, this option also specifies how the line amount will affect the main group.


      • In Local Currency
  • In F. Currency

The amount required to be displayed next to the description of this line on table reports, and to be added to line calculations is entered on this field in local currency.
If the table report is generated in foreign currency, the amount required to be displayed next to the description of this line on table reports, and to be added to line calculations is entered on this field in reporting currency.


      • Print
  • Do Not Print

Used to avoid that the defined line is displayed on the Financial Table report. The amount information of the line is assumed present and processed in Subtotal, General Total and Main Group Total transactions.









AnchorIDH_formulIDH_formul Anchor_Toc177549543_Toc177549543 Anchor_Toc177549684_Toc177549684 Anchor_Toc177549824_Toc177549824 Anchor_Toc177549963_Toc177549963 Anchor_Toc178068692_Toc178068692 Anchor_Toc178068842_Toc178068842 Anchor_Toc178068990_Toc178068990 Anchor_Toc178069138_Toc178069138 Anchor_Toc178069285_Toc178069285 Anchor_Toc178069432_Toc178069432 Anchor_Toc179602481_Toc179602481 Anchor_Toc185752189_Toc185752189Formula

When certain Subtotal information is calculated on financial table lines, certain lines within the groups may be required to be excluded from addition and subtraction operations, or be included by multiplying with a factor. Since group or subtotal definitions may not work in such complex calculations, definitions in which formulas can be used to specify the table lines to be affected by the line total, and how they will be affected are necessary.

The Formula line is always independent from groups; it can't be the sub-line of a group. Furthermore, it is also not processed in the calculation of Subtotal and General Total information located in subsequent lines. Therefore, the definition code information is not necessary. The description would be enough.

Calculation Method

The amount of the Formula line is calculated using the information entered into the formula definition field.

Formula Window

The fields and functions of this window are:

Field Name



The description to be displayed on the Formula line of the table report in entered on this field.

Formula Definition

The amount information to be displayed next to the Formula line description is defined on this line. Definition codes of table lines are used as variables on the formula by inserting the letter "P" standing for the word parameter. Aggregation, subtraction, multiplication and division operations with fixed numbers can be performed between variables as in Discount and Surcharge calculations.

For example, let's assume that the amounts of two lines with definition codes 12 and 45 are 50 TL and 100 TL respectively. If the formula line is required to calculate half the total of these two lines, the expression to be inserted on the Formula Definition field is (P12 + P45) / 2. The application will calculate and enter the value 75 TL next to this line on the table report.

AnchorIDH_ara_toplamIDH_ara_toplam Anchor_Toc177549544_Toc177549544 Anchor_Toc177549685_Toc177549685 Anchor_Toc177549825_Toc177549825 Anchor_Toc177549964_Toc177549964 Anchor_Toc178068693_Toc178068693 Anchor_Toc178068843_Toc178068843 Anchor_Toc178068991_Toc178068991 Anchor_Toc178069139_Toc178069139 Anchor_Toc178069286_Toc178069286 Anchor_Toc178069433_Toc178069433 Anchor_Toc179602482_Toc179602482 Anchor_Toc185752190_Toc185752190Subtotal

A Subtotal line is inserted into any line within the table report to display the total or difference of lines listed up to that point. The subtotal line is always independent from groups; it can't be the sub-line of a group. Furthermore, it is also not processed in the calculation of Subtotal and General Total information located in subsequent lines.

Calculation Method

Only the lines that are not sub accounts of another line can be used to calculate the amount of the subtotal line. The Transaction Type parameter of the related line definition is used to specify how these lines will affect the transaction. The Subtotal and General Total lines listed on previous lines, and the formula lines do not affect the subtotal as well.

Anchor_Toc177549545_Toc177549545 Anchor_Toc177549686_Toc177549686 Anchor_Toc177549826_Toc177549826 Anchor_Toc177549965_Toc177549965 Anchor_Toc178068694_Toc178068694 Anchor_Toc178068844_Toc178068844 Anchor_Toc178068992_Toc178068992 Anchor_Toc178069140_Toc178069140 Anchor_Toc178069287_Toc178069287 Anchor_Toc178069434_Toc178069434 Anchor_Toc179602483_Toc179602483 Anchor_Toc185752191_Toc185752191 Anchor_Toc210185599_Toc210185599 Anchor_Toc210185742_Toc210185742 Anchor_Toc214249407_Toc214249407 Anchor_Toc222899562_Toc222899562Subtotal Definition Window

The fields and functions of this window are:

Field Name



The description to be displayed in Subtotal line of financial tables is entered in this field.

AnchorIDH_genel_toplamIDH_genel_toplam Anchor_Toc177549546_Toc177549546 Anchor_Toc177549687_Toc177549687 Anchor_Toc177549827_Toc177549827 Anchor_Toc177549966_Toc177549966 Anchor_Toc178068695_Toc178068695 Anchor_Toc178068845_Toc178068845 Anchor_Toc178068993_Toc178068993 Anchor_Toc178069141_Toc178069141 Anchor_Toc178069288_Toc178069288 Anchor_Toc178069435_Toc178069435 Anchor_Toc179602484_Toc179602484 Anchor_Toc185752192_Toc185752192General Total

It may be necessary to add a line anywhere in the table, or at the end of the table to display the total or difference of all lines displayed on the table. This function is performed by the General Total line. This line is always independent from groups; it can't be the sub-line of a group. This line is not processed when the Subtotal and General Total information of other lines is calculated.

Calculation Method

Only the lines that are not sub accounts of another line can be used to calculate the amount of the General Total line. The Transaction Type parameter of the related line definition is used to specify how these lines will affect the transaction. The Subtotal and General Total lines listed on previous lines, and the Formula lines do not affect the general total as well.

The difference between the general total line and the subtotal line is that the amount displayed on the general total line does not change independently from its position within the table, and that this amount is calculated by processing all independent lines within the table.

Anchor_Toc177549547_Toc177549547 Anchor_Toc177549688_Toc177549688 Anchor_Toc177549828_Toc177549828 Anchor_Toc177549967_Toc177549967 Anchor_Toc178068696_Toc178068696 Anchor_Toc178068846_Toc178068846 Anchor_Toc178068994_Toc178068994 Anchor_Toc178069142_Toc178069142 Anchor_Toc178069289_Toc178069289 Anchor_Toc178069436_Toc178069436 Anchor_Toc179602485_Toc179602485 Anchor_Toc185752193_Toc185752193 Anchor_Toc210185600_Toc210185600 Anchor_Toc210185743_Toc210185743 Anchor_Toc214249408_Toc214249408 Anchor_Toc222899563_Toc222899563General Total Window

The fields and functions of this window are:

Field Name



The description to be displayed on the General Total line of financial tables in entered on this field.

AnchorIDH_kar_zararIDH_kar_zarar Anchor_Toc177549548_Toc177549548 Anchor_Toc177549689_Toc177549689 Anchor_Toc177549829_Toc177549829 Anchor_Toc177549968_Toc177549968 Anchor_Toc178068697_Toc178068697 Anchor_Toc178068847_Toc178068847 Anchor_Toc178068995_Toc178068995 Anchor_Toc178069143_Toc178069143 Anchor_Toc178069290_Toc178069290 Anchor_Toc178069437_Toc178069437 Anchor_Toc179602486_Toc179602486 Anchor_Toc185752194_Toc185752194Profit/Loss 

This option is available only in balance sheet definitions. If G/L transactions such as transfer of income and expense accounts into balance accounts or transfer transactions are not completed within the balance sheet period, or if the defined lines in the Active and Passive sections are incomplete or inaccurate, there will be a difference between the active and passive accounts when the report is completed. Profit/Loss option is used to display this difference on table lines. The profit/loss line is always independent from groups; it can't be the sub-line of a group.

Anchor_Toc177549549_Toc177549549 Anchor_Toc177549690_Toc177549690 Anchor_Toc177549830_Toc177549830 Anchor_Toc177549969_Toc177549969 Anchor_Toc178068698_Toc178068698 Anchor_Toc178068848_Toc178068848 Anchor_Toc178068996_Toc178068996 Anchor_Toc178069144_Toc178069144 Anchor_Toc178069291_Toc178069291 Anchor_Toc178069438_Toc178069438 Anchor_Toc179602487_Toc179602487 Anchor_Toc185752195_Toc185752195 Anchor_Toc210185601_Toc210185601 Anchor_Toc210185744_Toc210185744 Anchor_Toc214249409_Toc214249409 Anchor_Toc222899564_Toc222899564Calculation Method

The amount displayed next to the profit/loss line of the table report is calculated with the General Total of the Profit/Loss = Actives lines - General Total of Passives lines formula. The calculated amount is displayed on the profit/loss line of the table with a plus or minus sign.

Attention: The Profit/Loss line is located in the Passives section of the balance sheet as a rule. However, the balance sheet is not restricted assuming that the user is aware of this situation.

Anchor_Toc177549550_Toc177549550 Anchor_Toc177549691_Toc177549691 Anchor_Toc177549831_Toc177549831 Anchor_Toc177549970_Toc177549970 Anchor_Toc178068699_Toc178068699 Anchor_Toc178068849_Toc178068849 Anchor_Toc178068997_Toc178068997 Anchor_Toc178069145_Toc178069145 Anchor_Toc178069292_Toc178069292 Anchor_Toc178069439_Toc178069439 Anchor_Toc179602488_Toc179602488 Anchor_Toc185752196_Toc185752196 Anchor_Toc210185602_Toc210185602 Anchor_Toc210185745_Toc210185745 Anchor_Toc214249410_Toc214249410 Anchor_Toc222899565_Toc222899565Profit/Loss Window

The fields and functions of this window are:

Field Name


Profit Description

This description is displayed on the Profit/Loss line if the result of the Active total - Passive total operation is positive.

Loss Description

This description is displayed on the Profit/Loss line if the result of the Active total - Passive total operation is negative.

AnchorIDH_sayfa_duzeniIDH_sayfa_duzeni Anchor_Toc177549551_Toc177549551 Anchor_Toc177549692_Toc177549692 Anchor_Toc177549832_Toc177549832 Anchor_Toc177549971_Toc177549971 Anchor_Toc178068700_Toc178068700 Anchor_Toc178068850_Toc178068850 Anchor_Toc178068998_Toc178068998 Anchor_Toc178069146_Toc178069146 Anchor_Toc178069293_Toc178069293 Anchor_Toc178069440_Toc178069440 Anchor_Toc179602489_Toc179602489 Anchor_Toc185752197_Toc185752197Page Setup

This option is used to visually organize Financial Table reports virtually. The option can be used to leave blank lines within the table, or display certain sections of the table separately from others by generating lines with single or double dashed lines.

Page Setup Window

The fields and functions of this window are:

Field Name



Generates a blank line on the table.

Single Line

Generates a line consisting of – characters on the table.

Double Line

Generates a line consisting of == characters on the table.