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Warehouses Used in Procurement Transaction: The parameter used to specify the warehouses to be used in material procurement transactions in the Production Control section. When materials on the related warehouse do not fulfill requirements on material procurement transactions, outstanding quantities can be procured only from warehouses specified on this parameter.

Anchor_Toc159755150_Toc159755150Warehouses Used in MPS
The parameter used to specify the warehouses to be used in MPS transactions.
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Warehouses Used Independent of Factories
The parameter used to specify the warehouses to be used independently from plants.


Divisions Subject to Order-Controlled Approval Transaction: It is used to determine the relevant divisions that will be included in the operation when order-controlled approval transaction is performed automatically. All divisions defined in the system are listed. The relevant division is selected. When "Order-Controlled Approval Will Be Done Automatically = Yes/No" parameter located under Administration > Sales and Distribution Parameters is approved by selecting "Yes" option, automatic controlled-approval transaction is performed for the order slips of the selected divisions only.