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The option is used to update VAT rates of transactions that sales orders include in batch when related materials' VAT rates are changed. When VAT rates are updated in a sales order, the campaigns of the order are reapplied to the order / order lines again according the new VAT rates.
To update VAT values in batch for sales orders, VAT Update on Sales Orders option located in the Operations menu of the Sales and Distribution section module is used. The conditions to be valid for the updating are specified by filter options. The filter options and functions are as follows:



Order No.

Group / Range


Start / End

Document No.

Group / Range

Aux. Code

Group / Range

Auth. Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Title

Group / Range

Payment Plan Code

Group / Range

Trading Group

Group / Range


Defined divisions


Defined departments


Defined warehouses


Defined plants

Customer Order No.

Group / Range

Document Tracking No.

Group / Range

AR/AP Code (Ship to)

Group / Range

AR/AP Title (Ship to)

Group / Range


Shipment Address Code

Group / Range


Shipment Address Description

Group / Range


Group / Range


Group / Range


Group / Range


Group / Range

Salesperson Code

Group / Range

Salesperson Description

Group / Range

Approval Info

Proposal / Undeliverable / Deliverable

Cancellation Status

Not Cancelled Ones / Cancelled

Actual VAT Rate

Rate entry

Material Type

Material type selection

(CG) Commercial Good / (MX) Mixed Case / (DI) Deposited Item / (FA) Fixed Asset / (RM) Raw Material / (SF) Semi Finished Good / (FG) Finished Good / (COG) Consumer Good

Material Code

Group / Range

Material Description

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Code

Select from list

Material Aux. Code

Group / Range

Material Auth. Code

Group / Range

Material Vendor Code

Group / Range

Material Group Code

Group / Range