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If the information of the materials processed in the slip lines will be recorded using a barcode reader, Barcode Entry option located in the F9 key or right mouse button menu is used.

When the barcode entry is selected in the slip or invoice lines, the Barcode Entry window where the barcode will be read or directly inserted is opened. The Material Code and Description of the material of which the barcode is read is transferred into the Code and Description field of the slip or invoice when Add To Line button is clicked. Each time the same material barcode is read, the quantity changes automatically.
Anchor_Hlt116478237_Hlt116478237 Anchor_Hlt116481971_Hlt116481971 Anchor_Hlt116482130_Hlt116482130 Anchor_Hlt116484653_Hlt116484653 Anchor_Hlt116484794_Hlt116484794 Anchor_Hlt116491954_Hlt116491954 AnchorIDH_hizli_giris_penceresiIDH_hizli_giris_penceresi