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Contract Transaction Transfer option located in the right mouse button menu of the sales order slips is used to transfer the contract transactions to the order slips.

For contract transaction transfers, first the contract to be transferred is selected on the contract number field of the slip. Contracts window displays the approved contracts with sales opportunity status "In Force". If the AR/AP of the sales order is specified, the Contracts window displays only the approved contracts of this AR/AP.

When "Contract Transaction Transfer" is selected, the material and service transactions of the contract are listed. The transactions to be transferred are checked and "Transfer" button is clicked. The selected transactions are transferred into the sales order slip.
AnchorIDH_urun_recetesi_std_maliyetIDH_urun_recetesi_std_maliyet AnchorIDH_talep_hareketi_iliskilendirIDH_talep_hareketi_iliskilendir