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  • This line was added.
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Sales Invoices are used to record material and service sales information. This option is located under the Transactions menu of the Sales module. When invoices are recorded, customer information, payment status, and the warehouse status of the goods sold are tracked, and the material level and risk control is performed. 
Recorded invoices affect the AR/AP risk and immediately update the AR/AP balance. One or many order slips can be transferred into the invoice, and an order can be closed with multiple invoices using the partial delivery feature. 
The icons of the Sales Invoices list and the options of the Attached Records, Info and right click menu are used to record new sales invoices or to modify existing definitions.

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Used to record sales invoices.

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Used to modify invoice information.

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Used to delete sales invoices one by one or in batches.

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Used to view invoice information. The information displayed using this option cannot be changed.

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Copies invoice information into a new invoice. Used for quick data entry.

Change Status

Used to change invoice status. In case of cancelling an invoice, you specify the reason for cancelling in Reason for Cancelling field.

Batch Status Change

Used to cancel or undo cancellation for invoices collectively.

e-Invoice Status Change 

If e-invoice status is "Could not send to RA", "Could not process at RA", "Could not send to the receiver", or "Could not process at receiver", "e-invoice status change" option will become active in Sales and Purchase Invoices browsers. This option is used to rearrange status as "will be sent to RA".

Apply Price Difference

Used to apply price differences on invoice. You can access price difference invoices of invoices to which price difference is applied from Info menu > Related Invoices.

Generate Payments (Collections)

Used to generate payment (collection) transactions for the selected invoice.

Batch Generate CGS Journal Slips

Used to generate CGS in invoices posted to G/L collectively.

Generate CGS G/L Slip (Main Account)

Used to generate CGS in invoices posted to G/L.

Generate CGS G/L Slip (Second Account)

Used to generate CGS in invoices posted to G/L.

Generate CGS G/L Slip (Third Account)

Used to generate CGS in invoices posted to G/L.

Take Back

Used to perform sales return transactions over the invoice record directly. See. Return Operations in Invoices and Dispatches

Budget Connections

Used to list budget and budget items to which invoice lines are reflected on invoice basis. Budget information can be checked based on material / service code in invoice.

Revision History

Used to track any changes made on e-invoices. This option is active only in invoices of e-invoice type.



Used to send purchase invoices to the related AR/AP.

Batch Send

Used to send the selected invoices collectively to the relevant suppliers.

Print (Label)

Used to print material information used in invoices on label forms.

Print (G/L Slip)

Used to print the relevant G/L slip related to the invoice and generated according to the main chart of accounts by considering "Print Unapproved Slips" parameter value.

Send (Analytical Journal)

Used to print the relevant G/L slip together with analytical codes if the G/L slip of invoice has an analytical G/L account.


Used to display e-invoices in official (RA) format.

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Attached Records

G/L Slip (Main Chart of Accounts)

Used to access the G/L slip of the listed invoice generated according to the main chart of accounts from the sales invoices list.

G/L Slip (Second Chart of Accounts)

Used to access the G/L slip of the listed invoice generated according to the second chart of accounts from the sales invoices list.

G/L Slip (Third Chart of Accounts)

Used to access the G/L slip of the listed invoice generated according to the third chart of accounts from the sales invoices list.

CGS G/L Slip (Main Chart of Accounts)

Used to access the CGS G/L slip generated according to the main chart of accounts.

CGS G/L Slip (Second Chart of Accounts)

Used to access the CGS G/L slip generated according to the second chart of accounts.

CGS G/L Slip (Third Chart of Accounts)

Used to access the CGS G/L slip generated according to the third chart of accounts.

Generate Cost Distribution Slip

Used to generate Cost Distribution Slip through the service invoice.

Debit / Credit Tracking

Used to track and close the debts of the AR/AP of the invoice.

Electronic Signatures

Used to change status of Sales Invoices of which related product / data object is defined by using electronic signature.

Document Folder

The folder information used to track documents related to the invoice.

Related Records

Attached Order Transactions

Used to list order connections belonging to the Purchase Invoice.

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Source Cross 

Used to access the source slip of the slip record generated by cross transaction.

Source Safe Deposit Transaction

Used to access source safe deposit transaction over the sales invoices which are generated from safe deposit.

LogoConnect Transactions

Used to display all LogoConnect transactions performed in relation to the e-Invoice record.

Related Invoices

This option is used to view price difference invoice(s) to which price difference is applied with Apply Price Difference operation.

Record Info

Displays the time and the user of the first registry and the last modification of the sales invoice.


Used to refresh the Sales Invoices list.


Line Coloring

Used to color the lines of sales invoices list according to the specified criteria.

Back to Defaults

Used to return the window dimensions into the application default.

Save Settings

Used to save sales invoices list settings.

Save General Settings

Used to save general settings.

Number of Records

Lists the number of recorded sales invoices.


List Report

Used to report the records of sales invoices list collectively.

Grouped List Report

Used to list the sales invoice records by grouping them according to column headings.


Select All

Used to select all records in sales invoices list.

Clear All Selections

Used to clear all selections.

Toggle Selection

Used to toggle the selections in list.

Lock Record

When a record is locked, users cannot make any modification on the record.

Table Characteristics

Used to record the columns to be displayed on the Sales Invoices List and their order.