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Information about purchased, sold or produced materials should be recorded completely and accurately and necessary controls should be specified in order to perform inventory control and tracking transactions in a healthy manner.

Each company may use different materials depending on their field of activity. Especially for companies working with a wide range of products, it is essential to group and track these products under different product groups in order to more easily, productively and effectively perform material management. j-Guar provides such companies with the facility to track different characteristics of materials of the same type in a multilevel hierarchy by classifying them.

Material and related material class information are separately defined for each material in j-Guar application. Distinguishing characteristics (color, model, size, etc) are recorded as material characteristics and tracked in link with the material. Material characteristics provide significant ease in reporting and material classification.

Material definitions are record used to keep information about the materials purchased, sold and produced by the company.  Materials are grouped according to their usage, and each material is recorded by selecting a record type.

The Materials option is located under Material Management module > Definitions menu. The buttons located in the Records tab of the Materials browser, and the options of the Related Records, Attached Records, Info and right click menu are used to define materials or to modify existing definitions.

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Used to record material info.

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Used to modify material information.

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Used to delete material definitions one by one or in batches. Materials with Active status cannot be deleted.

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Used to view the material definition. The information displayed using this option cannot be changed.

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Used to copy selected material information.


Change Status

Used to modify the usage status of material definitions. This field has two options: Active and Passive. Passive cards cannot be used on slips and invoices. The option is located in the right click menu.


Generate Document

Used to generate and track material documents and to link them to the material. The option is located in the right click menu.


Quick Barcode Entry

Used to enter barcode for materials.


Generate Sales Price

Used to record sales price for the material on AR/AP basis.


Generate Purchase Prices

Used to record purchase price for the material on AR/AP basis.

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Print (Label)

Used to print the material information to the label form.


Print (Letter)

Used to print the material information to the letter form.

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Attached Records


Organizational Unit Parameters

Used to record organizational unit parameters to be transferred as default to material transactions.


Material Class Relations

Used to establish material class relations.


Bill of Materials Relations

his option is used to generate a Bill of Materials Relation to define the bill of material to be used in material production according to time requirement.


Reference Materials

Used to record reference information for materials processed with transactions such as material type change.



Used to record alternative items for the material.


Child Materials

Used to save child materials required for the production of Finished / Semi Finished Good materials. It is located in Attached Records menu of the materials of Finished Good / Semi Finished Good type.


Other Asset Connections

This option opens Other Assets browser. It lists the Other Assets to which the material selected in Materials browser is related.


Purchase Prices

Used to specify the purchase prices of the selected record.


Sales Prices

Used to specify the sales prices of the selected card.



Used to record material customer/supplier info.


Standard Costs

Used to record standard materials costs.


G/L Accounts (Main Chart of Accounts)

Used to select the relevant G/L Account code to be used to track material card transactions according to the Main Chart of Accounts.


G/L Accounts (Second chart of Accounts)

Used to select the relevant G/L Account code to be used to track material card transactions according to the Second Chart of Accounts.


G/L Accounts (Third chart of Accounts)

Used to select the relevant G/L Account code to be used to track material card transactions according to the Third Chart of Accounts.


Document Folder

The folder information used to track documents related to the material.

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Related Records



Lists the transactions of the material according to the specified filter conditions.


Order Transactions

Lists the Order Transactions of the material according to the specified filter conditions.


Demand Transactions

Lists the Demand Transactions of the material according to the specified filter conditions.


Contract Transactions

Lists contract transactions of the relevant material according to the filter values.


Proposal Transactions

Lists proposal transactions in which the relevant material is used according to the filter values.


Shipment Transactions

Lists shipment transactions in which the relevant material is used according to the filter values.

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Purchases / Sales Totals

Displays the material purchase and sales totals.


Warehouse Totals

Used to track the material warehouse totals.



Lists the total amount and quantity information of material transactions within certain dates along with the slip information.


Distributed Costs

Displays the distributed material costs.


Record Information

Displays the time and the user of the first registry and the last modification of the record.


Record History

Used to list recording history by some info such as user, company, date, etc.



Used to refresh the material definitions list.



Line Coloring

Used to color the lines of materials list according to the specified criteria.


Back to Defaults

Used to return the window dimensions into the application default.


Save Settings

Used to save material list settings.


Save General Settings

Used to save general settings.



Opens Customization Wizard to add a new field into the application.


Number of Records

List the total number of records and the number by card type on the materials list.



List Report

Used to report the records of material list collectively.


Grouped List Report

Used to list the material records by grouping them according to column headings.



Select All

Used to select all records in materials list.


Clear All Selections

Used to clear all selections.


Toggle Selection

Used to toggle the selections in list.


Custom Selection

Used to select multiple records.


Table Characteristics

Used to record the columns to be displayed on the materials list and their order.


Characteristic Set Assignments

Used to record the material – characteristic set link.



Used to record material variant information for materials of variable set type.


Assorted Set Variants

Used to record variant information for assorted materials.


Set Components

Used to record child materials for which simple and/or variable sets will be generated.


Set Component Characteristics

Used to record set component characteristics.


Inspection Criteria Assignment

Used to assign inspection criteriato be used in material definition.



Used to access documents related to the material.



Used to access material approval info.



Lists the revision info of the material.


Division Parameters

Used to record division parameters for the selected material.


Purchasing F.C. Totals

Used to display the material purchase transactions along with transaction currency and reporting currency information.


Sales F.C. Totals

Used to display the material sales transactions along with transaction currency and reporting currency information.



Used to access and view system tracking records.


Filters options are used to list material definitions by specified criteria.




All / Active / Inactive


Commercial Good / Deposit Item / Asset / Raw Material / Semi Finished Good / Finished Good / Consumer Good / Service / Assorted / Material Set


Group / Range


Group / Range

2nd Description

Group / Range

Asset Category

Real Estate / Transport Vehicle / Equipment / Other Asset

Auxiliary Code 1-5

Group / Range

Authorization Code

Group / Range

Group Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Description

Group / Range

Customer / Supplier Code

Group / Range

Customer / Supplier Description

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Description

Group / Range

Parent Material Aux. Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Auth. Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Group Code

Group / Range

Reference Code

Group / Range

Reference Description

Group / Range


All / Applied / Not Applied

Show Description Info in Login Language

Yes / No

Physical Inventory

All / Positive Values / Negative Values / Zero

Actual Inventory

All / Positive Values / Negative Values / Zero

Warehouses To Be Used in Totals

Group / Range