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Used to generate a new bank.


Used to modify bank information.


Used to delete the bank.


Used to view bank information without making changes.


Used to create a new record by copying the information of the selected record. Provides ease of use by allowing fast data entry.

Record Information

Indicates the users who performed the entry and update transactions of the selected record and the time of these transactions.

Database Extensions

Used for user-defined forms.

Multiple Delete

Used to delete the selected banks in batch.


Used to generate bank accounts.

F. Currency Totals

The option used to generate debt and credit totals of bank transactions in transaction currency, along with balance totals in Transaction Currency, Local Currency and Reporting Currency.


Used to list transactions of the selected bank.


Displays debit, credit and balance totals of the bank, along with transaction information.

Number of Records

The option used to display the number of banks.


Used to display the current status of the banks window.

Back to Defaults

Used to display the active window with the standard dimensions defined in the application.

Create Shortcut

Used to create shortcuts of the records.

Send Shortcut

Used to send the created shortcuts to related users.


The window used to record general bank information. The fields and functions of the Bank window are:

Bank Code: The code used to perform and track bank transactions. The string is 6 characters long. Alphanumeric characters can be used for coding. This field is mandatory.

Bank codes should be specified considering the analyses required for banks. An information infrastructure allowing multi-dimensional analyses can be established if one or more characters of the bank code contain classification information.

Bank Name: The name of the bank. The string is 50 characters long. Although this field is important for the bank record, it is not mandatory. However, since search and sorting transactions can also be made by bank name, bank records are sorted also by the first ten characters of the bank name. Therefore, using distinctive information in the first ten characters of the bank name would be useful for efficient use.

Furthermore, the bank name entered into this field is also used while forms are printed.

Branch: The name of the bank branch.

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Branch Number: The number of the bank branch.

Address / Phone Number: The fields used to record the bank address, (District, Town, City, Country, Zip Code) and contact information (Phone Number and Fax Number).

Contact To: The contact person of the bank.

Internet Address: The URL address of the bank.

E-Mail Address: The e-mail address of the bank.

Aux. Code: A second code field used to classify bank records. Contains 10 characters. The Aux. Code is used to classify banks by company specific criteria. This field can also be used to record any necessary information that is not included in the record.

Authorization Code: Used to define authorizations for each record. The string is 10 characters long. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on the job definitions. Planning must be the first step in order to define authorizations by record. First, records to be accessed by each user or user group should be specified. Then, separate authorization codes are assigned to record groups accessible by each authorization group. Records are encrypted according to the information provided on the auth. code field so that only the users who log in with the specified authorization code can access and process the records.

Status: The field used to specify whether or not the bank record will be used in transactions. This field has two options: Active and Passive.

When active is selected, the bank is in active state, and can be used in transactions. When passive is selected instead, the bank is in passive state, and therefore cannot be used in transactions.

Muhbir Hesap and VÖEN fields belong to Azerbaijani legislation. These fields take place in Bank definition window, in the event of working according to Azerbaijani legislation.