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A Payment Plan is collected to all future transactions, except for Check and P. Note transactions. Payments are tracked through payment lists generated automatically by the application according to this plan. The payment plans indicate the interest rates to be applied to prepayments or delayed payments, the calculation method and conditions for payments and calculations, and the payment dates.

In order to track payments and collections efficiently in the LOGO application, Accounts Receivable/Payable, Materials and AR/AP Transactions are connected to payment plans. Debt tracking transactions are performed by processing payment lists automatically generated by the application.

The option is located in the Main Records menu of the finance section. The options and functions located in the right mouse button menu of the payment/collection plans window are:

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Used to generate a new payment/collection plan.

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Used to modify payment/collection plan information.

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Used to delete the payment/collection plan.

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Used to view payment/collection plan information without making changes.

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Used to create a new record by copying the information of the selected record. Provides ease of use by allowing fast data entry.



Used to access the record of which the Code or Description is provided in the payment/collection plan list.

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Used to access the payment/collection plans according to the filter conditions specified in the payment/collection plan list.

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Record Information

Indicates the users who performed the entry and update transactions of the selected record and the time of these transactions.


Database Extensions

Used for user-defined forms.


Multiple Delete

Used to delete the selected payment/collection plans in batch.


Number of Records

The option used to display the number of payment/collection records.



Used to display the current status of the payment/collection plans window.


Back to Defaults

Used to display the active window with the standard dimensions defined in the application.


Create Shortcut

Used to create shortcuts of the records.


Send Shortcut

Used to send the created shortcuts to related users.