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AR/AP records' information can be updated in batch. In order to update AR/AP records in batch, use Batch Update option located in the F9 / right mouse button menu of the AR/AP records.

For batch update, first the records are selected to be updated. The information of the records to be updated is determined by the filter lines of the batch update window. The AR/AP information is updated according to the defined values at the filter lines. The filter options are:




Active / Passive

Discount Rate

Value entry

Debt Tracking

Match Currencies / Multi Currency Tracking

Exchange Rate Difference

Over Transactions / Over Payments

Payment Type

No Proceeding / Cash / Check / P.Note / Credit Card / Shop Card / Installment

Aux. Code 1-5

Aux. code entry

Auth. Code

Auth. code entry

Days of Orders

Day selection

Batch Billing Rule

Will be Defined During the Transaction / One to One / By Divisions / General

Partial Order Shipment

Yes / No

Number of Invoice Print

Value entry

Order Frequency

Value entry