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The option used to report the exchange rate difference of payment and collection transactions that are not cancelled by AR/AP and transaction currency. The report is located in the AR/AP reports menu of the Finance section. The filter options are:



Report Date

Start / End

AR/AP Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Title

Group / Range

AR/AP Status

Active / Passive

AR/AP Type

Customer / Vendor / Customer + Vendor

AR/AP Aux. Code

Group / Range

Group Company Code

Select from list

Exchange Rate Difference Type

Debit / Credit

Transaction Currency Type

Currency options

Division Number

Defined divisions

Department Number

Defined departments

Transaction Date

Start / End

Due Date

Start / End

Payment Transactions

Closed / Not Closed / All

Exchange Rate for Closed Transactions

Exchange Rate At Closing Date / Exchange Rate on Reporting Date