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It is the option which is used to list overhead pool transactions belonging to related G/L account. Overhead Pool Transactions option is located in F9/right mouse button menu of Chart of Account list. In the upper part of the opened window, G/L account code, description and its balance info is displayed for which overhead pool transactions are listed.

With "Filters" option, overhead pool transactions belonging to G/L account are filtered and the transactions appropriate for the specified conditions are listed. The filter options are:



Date Range

Start / End

Division No.

Defined divisions

Department No.

Defined departments

Slip Type

Opening Slip / Collection Slip / Payment Slip / Journal Slip / Special Slip / Exch. Diff. Slip / Closure Slip / Inflation Accounting Slip / Consolidation Slip / Correction Slip / IFRS Correction Slip

Slip No.

Group / Range

Document No.

Group / Range

Overhead Pool

Group / Range

Transaction Aux. Code

Group / Range

Transaction Type

Debit / Credit

Once the conditions are set, G/L account overhead pool transactions are listed by clicking "OK" button.
The overhead pool transactions belonging to G/L account are listed on the lines of Overhead pool Transactions window along with the following information:


Slip information can be viewed or updated using "View" and "Update" buttons located at the bottom of the overhead transactions window, or using "Update" and "View" options located in the right mouse button menu.