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Used to list records on the G/L Accounts list in accordance with the conditions set on the filter lines. The option is located in the right mouse button menu of the G/L Accounts list. The filter options are:



Chart of Accounts Code

Group / Range

Chart of Accounts Description

Group / Range


Group / Range

Chart of Accounts Aux. Code

Group / Range

Chart of Accounts Auth. Code

Group / Range


Category options

Account Type

Monetary / Nonmonetary Liabilities / Nonmonetary Credits

Unit Code

Group / Range

Exchange Rate Diff. Account (Payable)

Group / Range

Exchange Rate Diff. Account (Receivable)

Group / Range

Account Type

Debit / Credit / Debit + Credit

Exclude from Inflation

Yes / No

Inflation Difference Account

Group / Range

Distribution Template Code

Group / Range

Distribution Template Description

Group / Range

Budget Item

Yes / No

Track by Budget

Yes / No

Budget Account

Group / Range

Budget Transfer Account

Group / Range

Track by Appropriation

Yes / No

Budget Appropriation Account

Group / Range

Budget Allocation Transfer Account

Group / Range

F. Currency Type

Currency options

Use Division Filter in Balance Totals

Yes / No

Divisions that will be Used in Balance Totals

Defined divisions

Filtering the G/L Accounts According to the Division Balance

It is possible to filter the G/L accounts according to the defined divisions in the application and take the account balance according to these divisions. The filter lines below are used for these transactions:

  • Use division filter in balance totals
  • Divisions that will be used in balance totals

In the event of using division filter in balance totals, the G/L accounts are listed by the balances that are calculated by considering the selected divisions in filter line.