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When Russian legislation is used, negative amounts can be entered on the Journal Slip in order to adjust incorrect transactions in G/L. In addition to Journal Slips, negative amounts can be entered for other G/L slip types such as Opening Slips, Special Slips, Exchange Rate Difference Slips, Inflationary Accounting Slips, and for amounts in foreign currency. Inverse records are generated to adjust incorrect G/L transactions. Inverse records are generated by performing the following steps:

On the G/L Slips window, first the slip to be corrected, and then "Generate Inverse Record" option located in the right mouse button menu is selected.

The LOGO application generates a Journal Slip in which the amount of the debit and credit columns of the selected slip is transferred with a minus (minus) sign. Once the journal slip is generated, only the date can be changed; other information cannot be modified. The status field of Journal Slips resulting from inverse records on the G/L Slips window displays the letter "T".

"Find Inverse Record" option located in the right mouse button menu of the G/L Slips Window is used to find the inverse record of a G/L slip. If the inverse record exists, the cursor points to the related slip.