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All G/L transactions of the company and the status of accounts are tracked using the chart of accounts. Detailed transaction information can be obtained by opening more accounts. However, such a transaction could cause the chart of accounts to become oversized. Overhead Pools are supplementary charts of accounts that prevent the chart of accounts from growing more than necessary.

Especially when cost accounting is performed, the overhead pools to which the surcharges will be distributed can be defined along with the chart of accounts. Overhead pools where the account will be transferred are also specified when the G/L Slips are recorded. A separate record is generated for each overhead pool.

Overhead Pools option is located in the Main Records menu of the General Ledger section. The overhead pools window is displayed by selecting the overhead pools option. Overhead pool transactions are performed using the buttons located at the bottom of the window and the right mouse button menu options. The menu options and functions of the window are:
