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Bank exchange rate difference calculation is performed collectively using the Bank Exch. Rate Diff. Calculation option located under the Operations menu of Finance module.
The exchange rate difference calculation window is used to specify the calculation conditions. 

Calculation Date: Indicates the date of which the daily exchange rate will be used for the calculation. The exchange rate value is read from the daily exchange rates file.

Exch. Rate Difference Slip Type: Indicates the slip type for the exchange rate difference resulting from the exchange rate difference calculation. Bank slip types are listed and the related type is selected.

Exchange Rate Type: Indicates the exchange rate to be taken into account when Exchange Rate Difference is calculated. Exchange rate types are specified on the Foreign Currency Usage screen in the System Settings section.

Organizational Unit: Indicates the relevant organizational unit for which the exchange rate difference will be calculated.

Line Description: It is the line description of the exchange rate difference slip.

Description: It is the description of the exchange rate difference slip.

The bank accounts for which the exchange rate difference will be calculated are specified using the Filters option on the Bank Exch. Rate Difference Calculation window.
