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Budget information is saved on general or division basis by using "New" option located in Analytic Budget Records list.

Budget type is specified in type field located in budget records list. Budget info is entered on division basis by selecting record type as budget.
If record type is General Budget, it is used to combine budgets belonging to different divisions.
Information saved in budget definition window is:

Budget General Info

Budget Code: It is the record code of budget card. Code field is mandatory.


Revision Slip No.: If budget info is changed, number of budget revision slip in which updated info is saved is transferred in this field. You can not enter information directly. Navigation between revision slips is done with direction keys.

Budget Lines – Budget Items

In budget lines, budget items info and related budgets info is displayed. Budget items info is saved in these lines. Distributed amounts are located at the bottom of definition card.


Reserved Credit: It is the reserved credit amount of account.

Period Info

You can track period info regarding budget records and enter debt or credit amount of the period in this section. Periodic debt or credit amounts are saved in fields located in this section. Recorded actual amounts are tracked with journal slips. Period Start and End Dates are generated automatically in the direction of information entered in budget period that is selected in budget period code field. Users can not add new lines.


Reserved Periodic Credit: It is the reserved periodic credit amount. It can not be changed.


Periodic debt and credit totals are tracked in Totals section of budget records.


Periodic Credit Totals: Periodic credit total in regard to all items entered in budget is displayed in this field.

Budget Transfers

It is possible to transfer another budget to analytic budget or analytic general budget. Transfer Budget option located in right mouse button menu of budget definition card is used. Recorded budget definitions are listed, and the relevant budget definition is selected and transferred.

In order to transfer a budget to another budget, status info must be "Approved (Final)".