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All G/L transactions of the company and the status of accounts are tracked using the chart of accounts. Detailed transaction information can be obtained by opening more accounts. However, such a transaction could cause the chart of accounts to become oversized. Overhead Pools are supplementary charts of accounts that prevent the chart of accounts from growing more than necessary.

Especially when cost accounting is performed, the overhead pools to which the surcharges will be distributed can be defined along with the chart of accounts. Overhead pools where the account will be transferred are also specified when the G/L Slips are recorded. A separate record is generated for each overhead pool.

Overhead Pools option is located in the Main Records menu of the General Ledger section. The overhead pools window is displayed by selecting the overhead pools option. Overhead pool transactions are performed using the buttons located at the bottom of the window and the right mouse button menu options. The menu options and functions of the window are:

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Used to generate a new overhead pool.

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Used to modify record information.

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Used to delete the overhead pool.

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Used to view the selected overhead pool without making changes.

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Used to create a new record by copying the information of the selected overhead pool. Provides ease of use by allowing fast data entry.

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Record Information

Indicates the users who performed the entry and update transactions of the selected record and the time of these transactions.


Database Extensions

Used for user-defined forms.


Multiple Delete

Used to delete the selected records in batch.



Used to search the overhead pool matching the required code in the Overhead Pools list.

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Used to access the overhead pools matching the filter conditions specified in the Overhead Pools list.

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Account Summary

Used to list the amounts of the selected overhead pool in monthly totals.


F. Currency Totals

Used to list the overhead pool totals in transaction currency and reporting currency.

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Used to list overhead pool transactions by specified dates and filter conditions.

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The option used to list debit, credit and balance totals of overhead pool transactions, along with transaction information.


Number of Records

Lists the total number of records on the overhead pools window.



Used to display the current status of the overhead pools window.


Back to Defaults

Used to display the active window with the standard dimensions defined in the application.


Create Shortcut

Used to create shortcuts of the records.


Send Shortcut

Used to send the created shortcuts to related users.