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Bill of materials information is recorded in the following fields and BOM revision lines of the window:

  • General Info
  • Main Product
  • Revision
  • Route Information
  • Planning

The upper pane of the Bill of Materials window contains basic information that is not affected from engineering changes. The fields on the General Info and Product sections and their relative functions are:


Product Code / Product Description: The code of the product to be produced using this bill of materials. The bill of materials can be defined for a

  • Material
  • Material Class

When Material is selected, the code of the product (finished product) to be produced using the bill of materials is selected from among the materials defined in the system. Only the Finished Product, Semi Finished Product and Material Class type records can be selected from the materials list accessed through this field. Otherwise, the user is warned with "Material type does not match" message.

When Material Class is selected, the bill of materials is defined not only for materials, but for the selected material class as well. Bills of materials defined for product groups (classes) can be applied either to all the materials within the class or only a part of them. In this case, the materials to be produced and their quantities are recorded using "Apply Distribution Template" or Material Table options depending on the material class type selected in the bill of materials line.

Product Line Code: This field is used to specify the product line to which the product is related. The product lines are listed, and the appropriate definition is selected.

The lower pane of the Bill of Materials window contains the information affected by engineering changes called as Revision, and the lines where the related input/output materials are defined. The fields containing the Revision and related Input/Output Lines and their functions are:

Anchor_Toc179619506_Toc179619506 Anchor_Toc214175663_Toc214175663 Anchor_Toc219606405_Toc219606405 Anchor_Toc222900283_Toc222900283Revision / Route Information


Overlapping Type: The overlap quantity or rate entered on this field is used when the production start date is calculated in planning transactions. The field contains three options:

  • None
  • Quantity
  • Rate

If Quantity is selected, the overlap quantity is processed when the production start date for the semi-finished products of input type is calculated. When the bill of materials is used in production, the value indicating the portion of the quantity specified in the previous production order to be produced for the next production order to be started is entered into the overlapping quantity field. If rate is selected, the same transactions are performed by processing the rate specified on the Rate field.

Examples Anchor_Toc158531950_Toc158531950 Anchor_Toc158532016_Toc158532016 Anchor_Toc158532080_Toc158532080 Anchor_Toc158532150_Toc158532150

Fixed Lead Time: 10 minutes
Variable Lead Time: 10 minutes
Overlap : None
Product MM.001 : 1 unit
Input YM.001: 1 unit (Procurement Type: Production) Anchor

_Toc158531951_Toc158531951 Anchor_Toc158532017_Toc158532017 Anchor_Toc158532081_Toc158532081 Anchor_Toc158532151_Toc158532151BOM.002
Fixed Lead Time: 10 minutes
Variable Lead Time: 10 minutes
Overlap : Quantity 40
Product YM.001 : 1 unit
Input YM.002: 1 unit (Procurement Type: Production) Anchor_Toc158531952_Toc158531952 Anchor_Toc158532018_Toc158532018 Anchor_Toc158532082_Toc158532082 Anchor_Toc158532152_Toc158532152


Fixed Lead Time: 10 minutes
Variable Lead Time: 10 minutes
Overlap : Rate (20%)
Product YM.002 : 1 unit
Input HM.001: 1 unit

According to the data above, 100 units of YM.001, 100 units of YM.002 and 100 units of HM.001 are required to produce 100 units of MM.001.
The time difference between YM.001 production and YM.002 production is calculated with the
(100 (production quantity of YM.002) * 20% (overlap rate of YM.002)) * 10min (fixed lead time of YM.002)+10min (variable lead time of YM.002) formula, while
The time difference between YM.001 and MM.001 production start date is calculated with 40 (overlap quantity of YM.001) * 10min (fixed lead time of YM.002) +10min (variable lead time of YM.002) formula.