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Company authorizations are specified for each group and user. Companies that the group will work with are specified by selecting first the related group definition on the Groups window and then Company Authorizations option. Defined companies are listed, and the related company definition is selected using the search button or mouse. This operation can be performed using "Select From List" option located in the right mouse button menu of the company.

A window consisting of two panes opens. The Companies field is used to list defined companies. The selected company is transferred into the Selected Ones field by clicking first the company definition and then "New" button. All defined companies can be selected by clicking on "All" button. Companies for which the group is authorized are tracked using the plus and minus signs. Plus and minus signs indicate that the group can or cannot work with a company respectively.

Authorizations specified for the group are transferred as default to users located in the group. It should be noted that authorizations assigned to the group are applied to all users of the group. If a user within the group will use the application with different authorizations than the group authorization, access rights are specified separately.

User authorizations related to companies, locations and organizational units are specified on the Users window independently from group authorizations. The company authorizations option of the related user on the users window is used to specify the companies that the user will be authorized for. If the user is part of a group, the company for which he/she is authorized through the group is tracked using the plus and minus signs. Transactions and application sections that the user is authorized for in relation with this company are recorded using the Rights for Program Functions and Authorization Codes options.