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Authorizations are specified for groups and users. Users can access to all or certain sections of the application depending on their authorization levels. If users are required to perform only specific transactions, authorizations can be assigned by encrypting records and transactions and grouping transactions by authorized users.

Authorizations can be defined using different methods for transactions performed in the application, records using the following options and slip / card information.

  • Company
  • Divisions
  • Departments
  • Warehouses
  • Factories
  • Rights for Program Functions
  • Authorization Codes

Users who login to the application by entering their passwords can access only the application sections, menu options, records and transactions for which they are authorized. Authorizations can be defined for groups or for each user. Group authorizations apply to all users within the group.

Companies to be processed by groups and/or users, and divisions and departments of these companies must first be specified during authorization. Then, authorizations are defined for transactions to be performed. Company Authorizations, Divisions, Departments, Plants and Warehouses authorization options are used after related groups and users are selected on the Groups and Users windows.