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The fields and functions of the window are as follows:

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Code: The record code of the workstation group. Code information is the most basic information allowing the workstation group records to be used rapidly and accurately in operations such as searching, sorting, and selection, grouping and reporting. Therefore, the code field is mandatory.

In the LOGO application, the analyses planned for the workstation groups must be carefully considered when specifying the codes due to the usage characteristics of the code field. An information infrastructure allowing multi-dimensional analyses can be established if each character or character group of the code contains classification information.

Description: The name or description of the workstation group. Although the workstation description field is an important field, it is not mandatory.

Since search and sorting operations can be made by description in the LOGO application, the employee records are also sorted by description.

The workstation group information is recorded in the following tabs of workstation group window:

  • General Info
  • Group Members
  • G/L Codes

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The fields on the general info tab and their relative functions are:


Plant: Indicates the plant to which the workstation group is related to. The plant definitions are listed and the appropriate definition is selected.

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The workstations related to the workstation group are recorded on the group members tab of the workstation group window. Workstations can also be generated in batch and connected to the group using Automatic Workstation Generation option.

Priority: Determines the priority of workstation within the group.


Workstation Description: The name or description of the workstation related to the group. The defined workstations list can also be accessed through this field. New workstations can be created, or a selection can be made from among existing definitions.

G/L Codes

The account codes and overhead pools to be used to track the workstation group operations posted to G/L are recorded on the G/L codes tab. Separate Account Codes and Overhead Pools can be specified for Transfer, Time Difference and Fee Difference.

The G/L account codes and overhead pools are defined from the Workstation Group window or using G/L Connection Codes option of the Main Records menu located under the General Ledger section. The defined codes can be transferred as default to the Account Code and Overhead Pool fields if requested. The default codes can be changed if necessary.