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The report option used to list the bills of materials. This option is located in the Records and Assignments List menu of the Production Definitions section

"Yes" option should be checked on "List Revision Info" filter line to list the bills of materials with revision information. "Yes" option should be checked on "List Bill of Materials Line Info" filter line to list the bills of materials with line information. The revision lines to be reported are specified using the Validity Date Range filter of the Revision Line.

The same bill of materials can include materials that are the outcome of another production process. The required conditions are set in the Child Bill of Materials Code, Child Bill of Materials Description, Child Revision Code and Child Revision Description filter lines to list the Bills of Materials List with child product information. The filter options are as follows:



Bill of Material Code

Group / Range

Bill of Material Description

Group / Range

Bill of Material Aux. Code

Group / Range

Bill of Material Auth. Code

Group / Range

Bill of Material Status

Active / Passive

Main Product Code

Group / Range

Main Product Description

Group / Range

Main Product Aux. Code

Group / Range

Main Product Auth. Code

Group / Range

Revision Listing Type

Up to date Revisions / All Revisions

Listing Revision Info

Yes / No

Revision Code

Group / Range

Revision Description

Group / Range

Validation Date Range of the Revision Line

Start / End

Route Code

Group / Range

Route Description

Group / Range

Route Aux. Code

Group / Range

Route Authorization Code

Group / Range

Listing Bill of Materials Line Info

Yes / No

Bill of Materials Line Type

Input / Co Product / Pseudo Semi Finished Product / Main Product / By-Product

Material Type

(MT) Material Class (With Table) / (MC) Material Class / (RM) Raw Material / (SF) Semi Finished Good / (FG) Finished Good / (CG) Commercial Good / (MX) Mixed Case/ (DI) Deposited Item / (FA) Fixed Asset / (COG) Consumer Good

Material (Class) Code

Group / Range

Material (Class) Description

Group / Range

Material (Class) Aux. Code

Group / Range

Material (Class) Authorization Code

Group / Range

Conditioning Material (Class) Code

Group / Range

Conditioning Material (Class) Description

Group / Range

Conditioning Material (Class) Aux. Code

Group / Range

Conditioning Material (Class) Auth. Code

Group / Range

Unit Code

Group / Range

Operation Code

Group / Range

Operation Description

Group / Range

Operation Aux. Code

Group / Range

Operation Auth. Code

Group / Range

Material Code Used in Formula

Group / Range

Material Description Used in Formula

Group / Range

Child Bill of Materials Code

Group / Range

Child Bill of Materials Description

Group / Range

Child Revision Code

Group / Range

Child Revision Description

Group / Range


Start / End

List Operation Requirements Info

Yes / No

Listing Labor Requirements

Yes / No

Listing Tool Requirements

Yes / No