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G/L Codes: The menu option used to specify and apply the G/L Codes to be used to track the information after being posted to G/L.

F. Currency Entry: The pricing currency information used to track the material or service transactions with a specific currency type is recorded using the F. currency entry option. The F. currency entry option is located in the right mouse button menu after the unit price of the material or the service is entered.

Vendor Code Entry: The sales orders can be recorded with a vendor code. In this way, the company's material definition can be easily reached using the vendor's material code in the Order Slip lines.

Barcode Entry: The application supports the use of barcodes in material input and output transactions. If barcode is used, the manual input of the material code is not necessary. The Material selection can be made using a barcode reader.

Batch Selection of Variants: In slips and invoices, in case processed material is a configurable item, it is used to transfer material variants to slip lines in batch after selecting them according to their characteristics and after determining their quantity and unit prices.

Customer/Supplier Code Entry: The sales orders can also be recorded using the Customer/Supplier Code. The company's material definition can be easily reached using the customer/supplier code of the material from the right mouse button menu of the Sales Order Slip.

Malzeme Sınıfı-Özellik Girişi: Tablolu malzeme sınıfı türündeki satırlarda malzeme özelliklerine göre istenen kayıtları seçmek ve fişe aktarmak için kullanılır.

Unit Conversion: The unit conversion allows the materials for which the units do not have fixed connections to be accurately converted. By doing so, the sales and inventory reports are generated using the requested unit and with accurate numbers. The unit conversion rate specified in the material may not be applied to certain material lines. In this case, after specifying the unit in the material line of the slips and invoices, the conversion factor to be applied only to that transaction is entered using the unit conversion option. If more than one unit is defined for the material, and if the line transaction is performed with units other than the main unit, the conversion factor is specified in the conversion factors section of the unit conversion window. The unit conversion window also displays the dimension information applied to the material.

Onay Bilgisi: Bu seçenek sipariş fişlerinde yer alır. Satış sipariş fişlerinde, sipariş izleme şekli belirlenir ve siparişler buna göre irsaliye ya da faturaya bağlanır. Sipariş fişinde onay bilgisi seçeneği ile aynı zamanda proforma faturada olduğu gibi ön sipariş bilgilerinin girilmesi sağlanır, onaylama işlemi yapılmadan siparişle ilgili miktarlar kart toplamlarına yansıtılmaz. (Bkz. Onay Bilgisi)

Change Delivery Dates: Used to change the delivery dates of the sales orders in order slips. 

Material Table: Used to apply the child material information in the slip lines of material class (with table) type. 

Material Class Detail Lines: If the transaction in the slip line belongs to a material class, this field is used to record the child material information.

Link To Demand Transaction: Used to link the purchase order to the demand slip.

Detailed Info: Used to record the detailed description and other information for the transaction.

Birime Göre Toplam Miktar: Fiş içerisinde girilmiş tüm satırların birim bazında toplamlarını listelemek için kullanılan seçenektir.