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The orders received from customers are approved and sent after evaluating them according to some criteria such as customer risk, payment due date and debit aging. "Controlled Approval" option is used for this. It is located in the F9/right mouse button menu of the sales orders list.

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By the options under the following headings, the accounts' (receivable/payable) commercial situations are viewed and according to the recorded criteria the orders are approved or not:

  • AR/AP Info
  • Risk Criterion
  • Due Date Criterion
  • Aging Criterion (According to Transaction Date)
  • Order Approval Status

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AR/AP Info:

Order's AR/AP info is tracked from code, title, aux. code and trading group fields. Record date indicates the account's (receivable/payable) recording date to the system. The account's maximum billing amount and payments made by it can be tracked from relevant fields. AR/AP record date is used to remind user if related AR/AP is a new or old customer.

In controlled approval, when closed transactions' average is being calculated, the closer transaction's due date and transaction date are taken into consideration.

Risk Criterion:

The risk criteria which affect the order approval are as follows:

Risk Limit: The total risk limit of the AR/AP.

Risk Total: The total risk of the AR/AP.

Due Date Criterion:

The due date criteria which affect the order approval are as follows:

Maximum Delay: The number of days, beginning from the first unpaid debit transaction by this time.

Maximum DelayTotalDelay Total: It is the oldest unpaid debit amount of the related AR/AP.

Average Delay: It is the unpaid debits' calculated average delay by taking the approval date as reference.

Average Delay Total: It is the unpaid debit transactions total amount.

Aging Criterion (According to Transaction Date):

Average Aging: It is the aging value calculated by using the day info when controlled approval is done and transaction's proceeding dates.


Closed Transactions Average: This data is calculated and shows the average delay value in "No Proceeding" status at Debit Tracking report. 

Order Approval Status :

As a result of the analysis, the orders' approval status changes are done here by using "New Approval Info" field.
Note: In controlled approval, when closed transactions' average is being calculated, the closer transaction's due date and transaction date are taken into consideration.


G/L Codes: The menu option used to specify and apply the G/L Codes to be used to track the information after being posted to G/L.
