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The material and service information is also entered into the invoice lines. The line transactions are recorded by specifying the type. The information of the sold material or service is specified in the Code and Description fieldsthe Code and Description fields. The materials and services are listed in both fields, and a record is selected. The QuantityUnit and Unit Price fields The Quantity, Unit and Unit Price fields are used to specify the quantity, sales unit and unit price of the material or service sold. In this way, the column amount is automatically calculated and transferred into the Amountthe Amount field.

If a discount is applied as standard for the material or service sold, the discount rate is specified on "%" field.

VAT (%): If a discount rate is specified on the material, this value is transferred as default to "%" field. VAT  VAT (%) field displays VAT Rate recorded displays VAT Rate recorded in the material as default.

VAT Included/Excluded: This field is used to specify the VAT status if the unit price includes or excludes the VAT. The totals are calculated according to the selection in this field.

The Transaction Aux. Code 1/2 fields are used to record the Aux. Codes of the transaction.


Status: The field used to specify the status of the sales order. The field contains the following options : Undelivered


and Closed


. The orders can be partially delivered. After each delivery, the quantity of delivered materials is deducted from the order slip and the undelivered quantity is calculated. In certain cases, the remaining part after the delivery is not tracked.


When "Date Will Be Left Empty" is selected, the delivery date is displayed as an empty field, and the date can be entered by the user.

 Delivery Time Control

The sales order slip can be checked according to the delivery time specified in the material, and transaction recording can be blocked when a delivery date out of this time is entered. To do so, the Delivery Time Control parameter of the Sales and Distribution Parameters located in the Definitions menu of the Administration section is used. This parameter includes the following options : Will Be Done


and Will Not Be Done


. When "Will Be Done" is selected, the delivery date is calculated by processing the delivery time specified in the material and the slip date. When a delivery date other than these dates is entered, the slip is not recorded.
