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The Transaction Aux. Code 1/2 fields are used to record the Aux. Codes of the transaction.

The Payment Method field The Payment Method field is used to record the Payment the Payment Plan Code applied Code applied to the transaction in the line. 

Reservation, Delivery Date and Status Info

The status and delivery date information of the orders in sales order slips is recorded in the relevant columns.

Rezervasyon: Rezervasyon malın satış ya da üretim için ayrılmasıdır. Bu alanda yapılan seçim üretim ve malzeme takibi açısından önemlidir. Rezerve alanında "Evet" seçiminin yapılması durumunda, rezerve edilen mal miktarı sipariş satırındaki Rezerve Miktarı alanında belirtilir. Rezerve edilen malzeme miktarı, malzeme durum penceresinde ve malzeme ambar toplamlarında Rezerve Edilen Miktar alanında izlenebilir.

Status: The field used to specify the status of the sales order. The field contains the following options:


The orders can be partially delivered. After each delivery, the quantity of delivered materials is deducted from the order slip and the undelivered quantity is calculated. In certain cases, the remaining part after the delivery is not tracked.

For example, if the remaining 10 pieces are not required to be kept in the system as undelivered quantity when 90 pieces are delivered for an order of 100 materials, Closed option is checked in the Status field. Otherwise, the status of the order line will be Undelivered until the undelivered quantity is shipped. When the whole order is delivered, the status becomes Closed automatically.
