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  • Printed Dispacth
  • e-Dispatch

Contract No: Available only on Order Slip. This field is used to specify the contract number of the invoice if the Sales&Distribution Proposal Management System is used.

Distribution Order No: Available on Invoices and Dispatches/Receipts. This field is used to specify the distribution order of the slip or invoice if the distribution system is used.

Operation Status: Available on Invoices. Indicates the operation status of automatic payments to banks. Lot Number: This field can be filled in only in purchase slips and invoices.

Bank Account Number: This field is located only in Bank Service Sales Invoices generated by finance module. It is the bank account number of the service sale billed by bank.

Claimant Stock: Used to determine whether the materials in slip/invoice will be delivered or not. Marking this option means that the related materials will not be delivered; they will be kept at firm's warehouses temporarily. This field is located only in sales invoices.

Carrying Over: This field is used to carry over the sales invoice generated for the claimant stocks. When Carrying Over box is checked, sales invoices including claimant stock and carried over due to any reason apart from the company and period carry-over, can be recorded manually to the system. Invoice is recorded in "Proposal" status, therefore stock totals and AR/AP balance are not affected. It also cannot be changed, posted to G/L or returned. When shipment date arrives, the relevant quantity is shipped. If users require to list this invoice in invoices browser, "Show Invoices Received from Claimant Transfer" filter option must be selected as "Yes".
This field is located in sales invoices only.

Printed Dispatch, can be issued if the AR/AP selected for the dispatch is not e-Dispatch user.

e-Dispatch, this option is automatically displayed if the AR/AP selected for the dispatch is e-Dispatch user. If the AR/AP is not e-Dispatch user, printed dispatch is displayed as the default option and cannot be updated.

If the AR/AP is e-Dispatch user,

  • Manual dispatch can be added,
  • F9-Transfer order in the Dispatch,
  • F9-Transfer order transaction in the Dispatch
  • F9- Transfer contract in the Dispatch operations can be made.

Lot No: The field where the lot number belonging to slip bottom is displayed. In the case of supplier-based tracking, the lot number assigned to the slip bottom is displayed on this field. The supplier-based tracking is determined by the sales parameters in the Administration program section.

Bank Account Code: This field is located in the Service Purchase/Sales Invoice(Bank) issued for the bank transactions of Finance module. It is the account code of the bank where the service invoice is issued. The bank account code is valid for all lines of the invoice. Bank account cards are accessed by F10 key.

Bank Transaction Number: This field is located in the Service Purchase Invoice(Bank) issued for the bank transactions of Finance module. It is the number of the bank transaction on the service invoice. This information is valid for all lines in the invoice. The transaction number is automatically generated when a new service invoice is opened.

Invoice Type: How to issue an invoice is specified on this field. Options according to the selection made in the AR/AP and division area may vary. The options are as follows:

  • Printed Invoice
  • e-Invoice
  • e-Archive Invoice
  • e-Archive Internet Invoice

Printed Invoice: If the AR/AP selected for the invoice(excluding the service purchase invoices) is not e-invoice user, the printed invoice may be issued.

e-Invoice: This option is displayed if the AR/AP selected for the invoice is e-invoice user regardless of that the company / division is e-invoice and e-archive user. e-Invoice user (except for the service purchase invoices) cannot issue printed invoice.

e-Archive: This option is displayed if the Company / Division is e-Invoice and e-Archive user and if the AR/AP selected for the invoice is not e-invoice user.

 e-Archive Internet: This option is displayed if the Company / Division is e-Invoice and e-Archive user and if the AR/AP selected for the invoice is not e-invoice user and if it is a private company.

Exchange Rate Difference: The field used to record exchange rate differences as invoices. This field is only located on service invoices and is used for manually issued exchange rate difference invoices.

Calculation of Stoppage in Invoices

The "Calculate Stoppage" field on the Trading Group card selected on the invoice must be marked to apply the stoppage discount on the purchase slips and invoices. When this field is marked, the VAT amount in the invoice is calculated before the discount. When the "Stoppage Discount" field is marked on the selected discount card, the amounts of the stoppage discount are accounted under different G/L accounts.

Risk Information for AR/AP in Order Slip

When an AR/AP account is selected in the purchase and sales order slips, the risk and balance information of the related AR/AP account is listed in a tooltip which opens when the AR/AP account code and title field are pointed. When the risk limit is exceeded, the user will be able to see this information through the related tooltip.