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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The lines consist of two sections separated with a line. The upper part of the line is used to record the material and service information and the discount, surcharge and promotion information of the transaction in the line, while the discount, surcharge and promotion of the slip bottom are entered into the lower part. As many sales transactions as requested can be saved in the slip, dispatch/receipt or invoice.

The transactions of different materials and services can be recorded in the same slip lines. A separate line is added for each material and service transaction to be recorded in the slip. The lines where the transaction information is saved are called called  Material/Service Line or Material/Service Transaction. As many material/service lines as required can be added to a slip.

Multiple Material Selection in Order / Dispatch and Invoices 

In sales orders, dispatches and in invoices, you can transfer more than one material to slips at one go. To do this, the materials to be transferred to slip are marked in materials browser and by "select" option all the marked materials are transferred to slips as a separate line.

The discount, surcharge and promotion transactions to be applied to the material/service in the line are recorded in the line under the relevant transaction, by selecting a transaction type in the Type field. In addition to the lines displayed on the screen, the material/service line information can also be entered using the option located in the Operations menu of the Sales and Distribution section.
The fields and functions of the slip line are as follows:


  • Material (Commercial Good, Raw Material, Semi Finished Good, Finished Good, Consumer Good)
  • Material Class
  • Mixed Case
  • Deposit (Not used in order slips)
  • Service
  • Subcontracting (Used in service invoices)
  • Fixed Asset
  • Optional Material (Not used in order slips)
  • Discount
  • Surcharge
  • Promotion

Multiple Material Selection in Order / Dispatch and Invoices
In sales orders, dispatches and in invoices, you can transfer more than one material to slips at one go. To do this, the materials to be transferred to slip are marked in materials browser and by "select" option all the marked materials are transferred to slips as a separate line.

Code: The code of the material or service processed in the line. The LOGO application supports the use of barcodes in material input and output transactions. If barcodes are used, the material selection can be made using a barcode reader.

Description 1-2: The description of the material or service processed in the line. When the code field is filled in, the description of the material or service is automatically displayed on this field.


Quantity: This column is used to indicate the number of unit inputs and outputs from the relevant material or service. If the barcode reader is used, the quantity field is automatically updated when a material barcode is read.

Undelivered Quantity: This  This field is available only on Order Slips. Displays the undelivered part of the quantity specified in the line.
