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When sold quantity of materials shipped with consignment dispatch/receipt is to be billed, the following options located in F9-right mouse button menu of sales/purchasing invoices are used:

  • Transfer Consignment
  • Transfer Consignment Transaction

Consignment transactions are transferred to the invoice as partial and billed.

If quantity of dispatch/receipt line transferred to the invoice is decreased, a new dispatch/receipt is added for decreased quantity of the relevant dispatch/receipt. Thereby shipped material and billed material info is saved properly and completely. It is enabled to save shipped and billed quantity accurately.

If consignment transfer will be performed by selecting from consignment slips list, "Transfer Consignment" option located in Operations menu is used. AR/AP account is selected and consignment dispatches/receipts that will be transferred to the invoice are listed according to filter conditions. Dispatches/receipts to be transferred are checked and they are transferred to the invoice with "Accept" button. Dispatch/receipt is updated within the limit of billed consignment material quantity and a new dispatch/receipt is generated for the remaining quantity by the application.

The main dispatch/receipt numbers of the consignment dispatches/receipts transferred to the invoice partially are listed under "Main Slip No." heading which is located in List of Related Dispatches window accessed over "Dispatch/Receipt No" field in invoice details.