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During invoice input or old invoice check transactions, the list of the dispatches in the invoice is displayed in the Dispatch/Receipt Number field located at the bottom of the invoice. The dispatches in the invoice are listed with the following information according to which they are processed:

  • Number
  • Dispatch/Receipt Type
  • Date, Division
  • Department
  • Warehouse Number

In cases where the invoice and the dispatch will be printed with the same date, the dispatch date can be changed. The change made here is automatically transferred to the dispatches.

The dispatches transferred to invoices are displayed in the Sales Dispatches list with an "I" letter indicating that they are billed. When billed dispatches are displayed with "View" option from sales dispatches browser, only some fields of dispatches can be changed which do not affect slip totals. These are Document Number, Line Description, General Description (Details Tab) and Aux. Code fields. For other probable changes or to remove dispatches from the records, Sales Invoices section must be used. 

Sales dispatches can also be billed from dispatches browser. This transaction is recorded with "Bill" option which is located in F9/right mouse button menu of dispatches list.