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The debt tracking and closure transactions of the AR/AP are recorded on the Sales Invoices window. The Debt Tracking window is an option listing the Debit and Credit transactions of an AR/AP by due dates, and allowing the debt closing and undo process transactions to be performed.

Debt Tracking Window

The Debit and Credit transactions of each AR/AP performed in local currency and transaction currency are tracked on the debt tracking window. The debit tracking window can be set to open automatically when the transaction is completed, allowing the closing operations to be performed. To do so, the Debt Closing Window filter of the Finance Parameters option located in the Definitions menu of the Administration section is used. The operations requested to be opened in the debt tracking window when the slip is recorded are selected.

The AR/AP transactions are listed in the Debt Tracking window with the following columns:

  • Transaction Date
  • Date
  • Slip Number
  • Transaction
  • Debit
  • Credit
  • Remaining
  • Document Number
  • Trading Group
  • Rem. Level

All invoice types are processed in the debt tracking operation except for Proforma Invoices. If a payment plan is linked to the invoice bottom or the transaction in the line, the invoice is displayed in the debt tracking window in as many pieces as the number of payments. The Date column displays the Payment Date calculated for each payment. The invoices not linked to the payment plan are listed as a single line in the debt tracking window. The invoices are displayed as outstanding transactions in the debt tracking window.

The transaction lines totally or partially closed with payment are listed as connected to each other with a link. In this way, it can be understood which transaction is closed by which payment or collection, and Closed and Remaining Amount can be tracked.
Filter option located in the right mouse button menu is used to search for and display the requested records in the debt tracking window.

The filter options are:


Anchor_Toc154909545_Toc154909545 Anchor_Toc154910167_Toc154910167 Anchor_Toc154911165_Toc154911165 Anchor_Toc154911448_Toc154911448 Anchor_Toc154911730_Toc154911730 Anchor_Toc154912013_Toc154912013 Anchor_Toc154913874_Toc154913874 Anchor_Toc154914155_Toc154914155 Anchor_Toc154914435_Toc154914435 Anchor_Toc172018387_Toc172018387 Anchor_Toc177964590_Toc177964590 Anchor_Toc177965048_Toc177965048 Anchor_Toc177965318_Toc177965318 Anchor_Toc177965586_Toc177965586 Anchor_Toc177965917_Toc177965917 Anchor_Toc177966183_Toc177966183 Anchor_Toc177966448_Toc177966448 Anchor_Toc177966713_Toc177966713 Anchor_Toc177966978_Toc177966978


Date of Transaction

Start / End

Due Date

Start / End


Defined divisions


Defined departments

Transaction Currency Type

Currency options

Closed Transactions

List / Do Not List

Trading Group

Group / Range

Invoice Types

Invoice types

AR/AP Transaction Types

AR/AP Transactions

Check/P.Note Transaction Types

Check/P.Note Transactions

Bank Transaction Types

Bank Transactions

Safe Deposit Transaction Types

Safe Deposit Transaction Types

Order Types

Sales Orders / Purchase Orders

Transaction Total

Total range

Posting Status

Posted to G/L / Not Posted to G/L

Anchor_Toc154909546_Toc154909546 Anchor_Toc154910168_Toc154910168 Anchor_Toc154911166_Toc154911166 Anchor_Toc154911449_Toc154911449 Anchor_Toc154911731_Toc154911731 Anchor_Toc154912014_Toc154912014 Anchor_Toc154913875_Toc154913875 Anchor_Toc154914156_Toc154914156The closing operations in the debt tracking window can be performed using one of the following options:

  • Anchor_Toc154909547_Toc154909547 Anchor_Toc154910169_Toc154910169 Anchor_Toc154911167_Toc154911167 Anchor_Toc154911450_Toc154911450 Anchor_Toc154911732_Toc154911732 Anchor_Toc154912015_Toc154912015 Anchor_Toc154913876_Toc154913876 Anchor_Toc154914157_Toc154914157Close Anchor_Toc154909548_Toc154909548 Anchor_Toc154910170_Toc154910170 Anchor_Toc154911168_Toc154911168 Anchor_Toc154911451_Toc154911451 Anchor_Toc154911733_Toc154911733 Anchor_Toc154912016_Toc154912016 Anchor_Toc154913877_Toc154913877 Anchor_Toc154914158_Toc154914158
  • FIFO Close
  • Anchor_Toc154909549_Toc154909549 Anchor_Toc154910171_Toc154910171 Anchor_Toc154911169_Toc154911169 Anchor_Toc154911452_Toc154911452 Anchor_Toc154911734_Toc154911734 Anchor_Toc154912017_Toc154912017 Anchor_Toc154913878_Toc154913878 Anchor_Toc154914159_Toc154914159Automatic Close

When Close is selected the transactions are linked and closed by the user.

When FIFO Close is selected, the transaction with the earliest due date among the transactions with reverse balance that have not been used in other closing operations is used for the closing operation.

When Automatic Close is selected, all the transactions displayed in the window are closed according to the FIFO method. In other words, the debit and credit transactions sorted by due date close each other according to this order. If the transactions are not wholly closed after the closing operation, the closed and outstanding parts are separated. Each part of the transaction separated after the closing operation is displayed as linked to the other parts.

When the cursor is on the transactions that have their Closed and Remaining fields empty, the Counter Transaction field lists the Slip Number, Date, Type and Total Amount of the closed slip. The Counter Transaction option of the debt tracking window is used to track the invoice closed by the payment or collection operation. The closing operation may be cancelled using "Undo" option.

The debt tracking window can be used to access the Transaction Number of the AR/AP, and Total Debit, Credit and Balance information by using Totals option. Totals option is used to display the number of transactions performed up-to-date and the debit, credit and balance totals resulting from these transactions.

In the LOGO application, debt closing transactions can be performed with various currency types. The exchange rate differences are calculated by processing the date of transaction or payment date. The exchange rate difference calculation and the payment tracking methods are specified on the Administration Info tab of the AR/AP.

The Debt Tracking is performed using two methods:


2. Transactions With Different Currencies: The transactions and payments performed with different transaction currencies can close each other.

Any payment transaction may be required to be excluded from the debt tracking of the AR/AP. In such cases, Out of Track option located in the right mouse button menu of the debt tracking window is used. In this way, the balance can be changed in the debt closing window without changing the invoice record. The AR/AP to which the payment transaction is linked, and the closing information are listed. No data can be entered into Amount Out Of Track field of the G/L Account To Be Out Of Track window.