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Used to define a new sales target record.


Used to modify sales target information.


Used to view the sales target information without making changes.


Used to create a new record by copying the sales target information.


Used to delete sales target record.

Multiple Delete

Used to delete the selected sales target records in batch.

Record Information

Indicates the users who performed the entry and update transactions of the selected record and the time of these transactions.

Number of Records

Displays the number of recorded sales target records.


Used to refresh the sales target list.

Back to Defaults

Used to display the active window with the standard dimensions defined in the application.


  • Turnover
  • Turnover by item group
  • Quantity by item group
  • Upper limit

Turnover: If this target type is selected, the net turnover target is entered into the Quantity Target field. The discount and surcharge limits are recorded on the Discount Limit and Surcharge Limit fields. Turnover by item group: If this target type is selected, the group code of the material subject of the sales target is entered into the Group Code field, and the net turnover expected from this group is entered into the Quantity Target field. The discount and surcharge limits are recorded on the Discount Limit and Surcharge Limit fields. The material group codes are defined on the Material Management section of the LOGO application.
Quantity by item group: If this target type is selected, the group code of the material subject of the sales target is entered into the Group Code field, and the turnover expected from this group is entered into the Quantity Target field. The discount and surcharge limits are recorded on the Discount Limit and Surcharge Limit fields.
Upper limit: If the sales target is specified for a certain inventory, the material subject of the sales target is selected on the Material Code field. The sales quantity expected from the material is recorded on the Quantity Target field. The discount and surcharge limits are recorded on the Discount Limit and Surcharge Limit fields.
Start Date / End Date: These fields are used to specify the date range on which the sales targets will be applied.