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The report is used to list AR/AP extract by sales routes. The option is located in the Sales Management Reports menu of the Sales and Distribution sectionmodule. The report filter options are as follows:



AR/AP Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Title

Group / Range

AR/AP Status

Active / Passive

AR/AP Aux. Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Auth. Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Trading Group

Group / Range

Record Type

Customer / Vendor / Customer + Vendor

Debit Balance Range

Group / Range

Credit Balance Range

Group / Range

Risk Total

Start / End

Division Number

Defined divisions

Department Number

Defined departments

Slip Numbers

Group / Range

Invoice Detail

Yes / No

Slip Detail

Yes / No

Slip Document No.

Group / Range

Date Range

Start / End

Transaction Type

Inventory Transactions / Promotion Transactions / Deposit Transactions / Service Transactions / Mixed Case Transactions / Fixed Asset Transactions / Optional Material Transactions / Material Class Transactions / Subcontracting Transactions


Purchase Invoice / Retail Sales Return Invoice / Wholesale Return Invoice / Services Purchased Invoice / Purchase Return Invoice / Wholesale Invoice / Retail Sales Invoice / Service Sales invoice / Purchase Price Diff. Invoice / Sales Price Diff. Invoice / Producer Invoice

AR/AP Slips

Cash Collection / Cash Payment / Debit Note / Credit Note/ Remittance Slip / Exch. Rate Diff. Transaction / Special Slip / Opening Slip / Sales Due Date Diff. Invoice / Purchase Due Date Diff. Invoice / Credit Card Slip / Credit Card Return Slip

Bank Slips

Money Orders (Received) / Money Orders (Issued) / Conversion Letter (for Purchases) / Conversion Letter (for Sales)


Check Received / P. Note Received / Check Issued (to AR/AP) / P. Note Issued (to AR/AP)


Not Cancelled / Cancelled / All

AR/AP Transactions Aux. Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Slip Aux. Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Slip Auth. Code

Group / Range

Bank Money Order Aux. Code

Group / Range

Invoice Aux. Code

Group / Range

Slip Aux. Code

Group / Range

Accounts Without Balance

List / Do Not List

Page Setup

Same Page / Different Pages

Transaction Currency Type

Currency types list

Salesperson Code

Group / Range

Salesperson Name

Group / Range

Salesperson Position Code

Group / Range

Route Code

Group / Range

Route Description

Group / Range

Route Aux. Code

Group / Range

Route Auth. Code

Group / Range

Payment Plan Detail

Yes / No

Balance Type

Debit / Credit / Debit + Credit
