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Work Orders are records used to specify the resources needed throughout the operations, information of the workstation where the operation will be performed, and the planned and actual production times. Work Orders option is located in the right mouse button menu of the production orders window.

Once the production order is recorded, the work orders related to the production order are created automatically. A separate work order is generated for each operation using the routing lines of the bill of materials. The Status of the generated work order is "Not Started". Work orders of which status is "Not Started" contain only the Production Order, Date and Operation information. Operation requirements, resource usage, times, costs and other information are not transferred into the work order unless the production order is released.

Once the production order is released, the information specified in the production order is transferred into the work orders, allowing the work orders to be used in operations. To list the work orders of a production order, first the related production order, and then the work orders option of the right mouse button menu should be selected. The work orders window of the production order is displayed. The menu options and functions of the work orders window are:


Used to modify the work order information.


Used to delete the work order.


Used to view the work order information without making changes.


Used to copy work order information to another slip. The created slip is recorded by giving a new record number.

Database Extensions

Used for user-defined forms.

Status Info

Used to display and change the status info of the work order.

Material Slips

Used to record and view the material slips of the work orders.

Actual Quantity Entry

Used to record the actual quantity entries.

Quick Actual Quantity Entry

Used to form the actual slips belonging to material transactions as a whole.

Number of Records

Displays the number of recorded work orders.


Displays the current status of the work orders list.

Back to Defaults

Used for user-defined forms.


Used to access the work orders matching the filter conditions specified in the Work Orders list.


Used to print the selected work order.

Batch Printing

Used to print the work orders in batch.

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