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To update VAT rates individually for each service is a time consuming operation. Performing such operations in batches prevents the loss of time and decreases the error rate.
To update the VAT defaults in batch, VAT Updates for Services option located in the Operations menu of the Purchasing section is used. The services to be included in the update, and the update method are specified in the VAT Updates for Service Purchase filter window. The filter options are:



Service Code

Group / Range

Service Description

Group / Range

Service Aux. Code

Group / Range

Service Auth. Code

Group / Range

Present VAT Ratio (%)

.... equal to ......

Update Method

New Rate / Factor

Update Factor (%)

equal to ......

Rounding Base

equal to ......

VAT Rate (new) (%)

equal to ......

VAT Type

Purchase VAT / Return VAT

The Service Purchase Prices to be updated are filtered by service code in the Service Code filter line, description in the Service Description filter line, Aux. code in the Service Aux. Code filter line, and the authorization code in the Service Auth. Code filter line. The group or range definition filter is used for the filtering operation.
The Present VAT Ratio (%) filter line is used to enter the VAT rate (old) to be updated. The VAT rates of the records having the VAT rate specified here are updated with the new VAT rate.
The VAT Rate can be specified as a fixed rate, or entered as a factor. The rate or factor must be specified in the other filter lines depending on the selection made in the Update Method filter.
The new VAT rate to be transferred into the records is entered in the VAT Rate (new) (%) field if New Rate is selected in the Update Method line.
When Factor is selected instead, the new factor is entered into the Update Factor field. In this case, the update is performed by processing the Present VAT Ratio and the Factor entered here.
Once VAT is updated, the VAT rates of the services matching the conditions set in the filter lines are updated with new VAT rates, and the new rates are automatically transferred into the VAT Rate field of the Service Purchase.

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