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Sales and salesperson tracking system enables companies that engage in distribution and dealer network to track and report sales and performance of salespersons who made these sales by defining sales routes and targets. System properties can be summarized under these headings:

  • Sales tracking can be performed for a material group in batch or for each material separately.
  • Salesperson information is kept in separate cards.
  • Salesperson position definitions are made and users can see positions of sales persons who closed sales.
  • Sales target definitions are made. Target date range, target type, material and material group for which target will be valid are specified in target definition.
  • Sales route definitions are made and they are related to AR/AP records. A customer may be specified in more than one route. Frequency of visiting points on route or/and dates may change. Period and usage status are specified on route definition card.
  • By associating route with salesperson, Accounts (receivable/payable) that will be tracked by salespersons are determined.

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