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Point is a campaign type in which points are applied to material purchases and sales. Another product is given as a gift for collected points. Such campaigns are recorded as Point (plus) and Point (minus). Point (plus) is used for materials that provide points when purchased, and Point (minus) is used for materials given as gifts against the points earned.

The gift applications for campaign points are tracked and recorded using Point Campaign Gifts option located in the F9 key or right mouse button menu of the dispatch or invoice lines.

The Point Campaign Gifts window accessed by selecting Point Campaign Gifts option displays the campaign and gift information of the AR/AP to which the slip or invoice belongs in the following fields:

  • Campaign Code
  • Campaign Description
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Material Code
  • Material Description
  • Bonus Point
  • Quantity
  • Total Point

Campaign Code: The campaign code applied to the AR/AP of the slip or invoice.

Campaign Description: The name or description of the campaign applied to the AR/AP of the slip or invoice.

Start Date and End Date: Indicates the start and end dates of the campaign.

Material Code: The material code included as Point (minus) in the campaign definition in the line. The Materials that are defined as Point (minus) and used in the campaign are listed. The points of the listed gifts must be equal to or greater than the net total of campaign points; otherwise they are not listed in this window. If parameters and functions are used in the Point definition of a gift in the Campaign, such materials are not included in the point check.

Material Description: The description of the material code included as Point (minus) in the campaign definition in the line.

Bonus Point: The total point of the material in the campaign.

Quantity: Indicates the quantity of gifts to be received. When the quantity is changed, it is checked if the total campaign points are exceeded or not. If the total points are exceeded, the user is warned.

Total Points. The net point total previously gained for the main campaign line. The Total Points are calculated by processing the previous gifts received. If the slip contains Point (plus) or Point (minus) gift lines that are connected to the point campaign but that are not yet recorded, the points of the gift lines are processed in the calculation of net campaign points.

The gifts to be given as promotion are selected, and OK button is clicked. The gifts of the campaign meeting the appropriate conditions are transferred as Promotion to the bottom of the slip or invoice. Point promotions can not be changed, but can be deleted.

Attention: If point definitions are required to be done for unit material when the point campaign is defined (e.g. 100 points for 1 Unit of SANA), P4 and P5 parameters should be used in formula descriptions. (For example: P5*100 (Quantity (Unit used))) The parameters related to the line used in formula definitions use the values of the gift line.

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