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Today, the number of purchases on installments performed on advance payment campaigns is increasing. In such campaigns, the payments start before the delivery of the goods, and the installments are paid using bank cards or other payment tools preferred by the customer.
In the LOGO application, the payment transactions of purchase orders are generated when the slip is recorded. Advance payment campaigns are automated thanks to this feature. Orders (prepayment) are transferred into the invoice with the payment info and transactions during the delivery stage.
Generating the payment transactions starting from the moment of order receipt allows the payment methods and tools to be tracked and reported. Linking Payment Plans to orders, and generating the payment transactions in accordance with this plan provide an important feature allowing the advance payment campaigns and installment purchases to be automated.
In order to link a payment plan to Purchase Order Slips, and to generate the payment transactions, the order slip must be recorded with prepayment type. The payment transactions default for order slips is specified using the Purchasing Parameters located in the Definitions menu of the Administration. The selection made here is transferred as default to the Purchase Order Slips.
The Payment Type on Order parameter line located in the Purchasing Parameters contains the following options:

  • Prepayment
  • Without Prepayment

When Prepayment is selected, the Payments option of the Purchase Order Slip appears as checked, and the payment transactions are generated when the order slip is recorded. The payment transactions generated according to the payment plan can be tracked by selecting the Partial or Average option in the Payment Transactions located in the right mouse button menu of the Order Slip. Payment information can be changed if necessary.
The Payment Transactions window list the payment transactions for the slip bottom or the transaction in the slip line with the Date, Amount and Payment Type information. The payment transactions are generated according to the order slip bottom or the payment plan selected for the material in the line. The payment plan belonging to the order slip bottom is the payment plan recorded in the AR/AP of the order. The payment plan applied to slip lines is the payment plan specified in the material for the transaction in the line.
The slips of payment transactions are generated by payment tool (payment method). The payment method is recorded in accordance with payment type selected in following sections:

  • In business info tab of AR/AP record
  • In payment plan card
  • In details tab of the order slip

Once the AR/AP is selected, the payment type specified in the AR/AP is transferred into the Order Slip as default. If a different payment type will be used in the slip, the new payment type is selected in the payment type field of the Details tab.
When "Do Not Process" is selected as the payment type, the payment transaction of the order is generated, but a slip is not generated while recording the order. When Cash is selected as the Payment type, the Cash Collection Slip is automatically generated for slips of which the payment date is the same with the order slip date. The section where the Cash Collection Slip will be recorded is specified using the Used In Automatic Payment/Collection parameter located in the Purchasing Parameters. The Safe Deposit Collection slip is automatically generated when the value of this parameter is selected as Safe Deposit, and the AR/AP Cash Collection Slip is generated when the Administration is selected.
When Check/P.Note is selected as the payment type, a Check/P.Note is generated for each payment transaction regardless of the order date.
When Credit Card is selected as the payment type, the slips are generated according to the selection made in the "Apply Insp. Payment Plan on Payment Trans." parameter line of the Purchasing Parameters.
If the Credit Card Payment Plan is specified to be applied in the payment transactions, the Back Payment Plan is automatically applied for the lines of which the payment type is Credit Card and for which the Back Payment Plan is selected.
If Installment is selected as the payment type, the installments are automatically generated when the Order Slip is recorded for the payment transactions. These records are not reflected on the debt tracking window. The installment transactions are displayed in the installment transactions list, and the relevant payment information is recorded in the transactions window.
The Order Transfer (Slips) and Order Transfer (transactions) options located in the right mouse button menu of the dispatch or invoice line are used to transfer the orders (prepayment) to dispatches and invoices.
When Order Transfer (slips) is selected, the transfer is performed through the order slips. The orders are transferred into the invoice or dispatch depending on the payment type. Orders (prepayment/without prepayment) can not be transferred into the same dispatch or invoice.
Prepayment option must be selected in the payment type field in order to transfer orders (prepayment).
When Order Transfer (transactions) is selected, the transfer is performed through the order transactions. The transactions to be listed are specified in the filter lines. The payment type filter of the transfer filter options is used to transfer orders (prepayment). Order (prepayment) transactions are listed by selecting Prepayment in the payment type field, and the orders to be transferred are selected.
When orders (prepayment) are transferred into the dispatch and invoice, the payment transactions generated for the order are also transferred, and these transactions can not be changed on the invoice. The quantity and unit price information of the orders transferred into the dispatch or invoice can not be changed. When order (prepayment) is transferred into the invoice, the unit price is not updated.
The payment transactions of the order slip can also be accessed through the Order Slips list. To do so, Payment Operations option located in the right mouse button menu of order (prepayment) is used. The payment transactions option is available only in the right mouse button menu of order (prepayment) slips.
For purchase order slips recorded as Prepayment, the transactions generated according to the payment plan are also displayed in the debt tracking window, and the closing operations can be performed.

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