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The Installment window can be used to track installment information, and to modify certain information. The fields and functions of the installment are:

Issue Date: The date of the slip constituting the installment; this date cannot be changed.
Due Date: The payment date of the installment; this date cannot be changed.
Status: Indicates the payment status of the installment. Paid installments are displayed as Closed, and outstanding installments are displayed as In Force.
Slip Type: Indicates the slip type constituting the installment.
Slip No: The number of the slip constituting the installment.
Aux. Code: The aux. code of the installment. This field is used to classify and report installments by various criteria. This data is entered by the user.
Authorization Code: The authorization code of the installment. This data is entered by the user.
AR/AP Code and Title: The AR/AP code and title of the slip constituting the installment; this data cannot be changed.
Serial No: This field is used to enter the serial number if the installment will be paid with a check or P. Note.
Guarantor 1 / Guarantor 2: Guarantor information of the installment payment. Guarantor information specified on the slip or invoice is transferred into the installment. Guarantor information can also be recorded directly on the installment.
Stamp Value: The number of stamps to be inserted on the P. Note.
Required Value: The stamp rate of the promissory note of the installment amount.
The fields at the bottom of the installment display the paid and remaining amount information.

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