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The report used to list the closed/remaining quantities, foreign currency amounts, source and origin countries and entry customs of imports made within the scope of IPL's granted to Exporter Unions within the Foreign Trade Management. This option is located under the Reports menu of the Import section.



IPL Number

Group / Range

IPL Start Date

Start / End

IPL End Date

Start / End

IPL Customs Tariff Number

Group / Range

IPL Aux. Code

Group / Range

IPL Auth. Code

Group / Range

Material Customs Tariff Number

Group / Range

Material Customs Tariff Description

Group / Range

Material (Class) Type

Material Class (With Table) / Material Class / Commercial Good / Deposit Item / Raw Material / Semi Finished Good / Finished Good / Consumer Good / Fixed Asset

Material (Class) Status

Active / Passive

Material (Class) Code

Group / Range

Material (Class) Description

Group / Range

Material (Class) Aux. Code

Group / Range

Material (Class) Auth. Code

Group / Range

Material (Class) Vendor Code

Group / Range

Material (Class) Group Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Code

Select from list

Material (Class) Characteristics

Characteristic 1-10

Country Type

Member States of European Union (EU) / Member States of European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) / Member States of European Free Trade Association (EFTA) / Pan European System of Cumulation of Origin / The States with whom we approved Free Trade Agreement / Outside Countries

Country Code

Group / Range

Country Name

Group / Range

Customs Declaration Form (Import) No

Group / Range

Customs Declaration Form (Import) Date

Start / End

Custom Office Code

Group / Range

Custom Office Name

Group / Range


Defined divisions


Defined departments


Defined plants


Defined warehouses

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