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The method to be used to close outstanding payments is recorded using outstanding payment options. When "Deficient Payment" is clicked, the following options and functions are located in the upper section of the installment payments window:
No Proceeding: If payment amount doesn't cover installment amount, no transaction is performed for the outstanding amount.
Add to First Installment: If the installment closing operation is performed through the AR/AP, the outstanding amount is added to the amount of installment with the nearest due date. If the installment closing operation is performed through installments, the outstanding amount is added to the installment amount of the slip with the nearest due date.
Add to Last Installment: If the installment closing operation is performed through the AR/AP, the outstanding amount is added to the amount of installment with the latest due date. If the installment closing operation is performed through installments, the outstanding amount is added to the installment amount of the slip with the latest due date.
Distribute To Installments: It is used to distribute the remaining amount to the installments. In case that installment is paid by Installment Transactions option located in AR/AP browser / F9 menu and "Distribute to Installment" option is used for the remaining amount, the remaining amount is distributed to all installments of the relevant AR/AP equally. If the payment is made over the invoices and "Distribute to Installment" option is used for the remaining amount, the remaining amount is distributed to all installments of the relevant invoice equally.
Generate New Installment: When this option is selected, the Installment Date field, which is disabled in other options, becomes active. A new installment is generated for which the payment amount is equal to the outstanding amount, and the due date is equal to the date specified on the installment date field.

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